Property prices ‘will continue to rise’


A real estate manager has said he expects Viennese property prices to climb further. Johannes Meran, who heads the administration board of Vienna-based property developer Conwert Immobilien Invest AG (Conwert), told the Kurier newspaper today (Mon): “I think the price for owner-occupied apartments in Vienna will continue to rise. Increases of five to 10 per […]

Hungarian stabs boyfriend

General News

A Hungarian woman and her boyfriend had to be hospitalised after a violent night-time argument. The 30-year-old attacked her partner, 31, with a knife in their apartment in Wels, Upper Austria, last night (Sun/Mon). She suffered injuries herself in the brawl, according to local police. Officials are set to question the woman trying to find […]

Annual car sale figures pretend business boom


Car dealers in Austria seem to look back on their best business year in history – but record figures presented today (Tues) are deceiving, experts have warned.Statistik Austria announced that, with 328,563, more cars than ever were registered in 2010. The state agency said this figure meant a 2.9 per cent year on year increase […]

Klagenfurt police arrest four heroin dealers

General News

Police said drug dealers they had arrested on the weekend had earned more than 600,000 Euros selling heroin during the past 11 months.Investigators in Klagenfurt announced today (Mon) the four-member all-male gang aged 19 to 22 had been taken into custody and 1.8 kilograms of heroin had been confiscated.Police found out the gang – who […]

Facebook group shut as users call for Nazi camp reopening

General News

A Facebook group calling for the “reopening” of Austrian concentration camp Mauthausen was taken offline after winning more than 13,000 members, officials have said.Political scientist Markus Rachbauer said members of the group called “Child abusers, we’ll reopen Mauthausen for you!” belittled Nazi era crimes.”People posting messages there called for torture and murder,” he said.Facebook user […]