Renters overpaid 21 million Euro in 2011

General News

A news study has revealed that people renting apartments in old buildings in the Austrian capital paid 21 million Euro too much for their apartments in 2011. This is the result of a new study by the Austrian Chamber of Labour who analyzed Statistic Austria data. The reason is thought to be incorrect increases of […]

Petrol stations twice the price of supermarkets


By Rob Hyde in Vienna. Customers shopping at petrol stations Austria are having to pay almost twice as much as in supermarkets, a recent report shows. Statistics published by the Chamber of Labour (AK) reveal that the price of purchasing food, drinks and general items from the petrol pump stores works as 48 per cent […]

Black olives are dyed in Austria , consummer protectors warn

Green Austria

The consumer information department of the Upper-Austrian Chamber of Labour (Arbeiterkammer, AK) has criticised a lack of clear information on olives which have been artificially coloured. According to the chamber, it is not rare for unripe olives to be coloured black to be sold on the market. They have called for a clear labelling of […]

Prices spiral up less strongly


Predictions that the Austrian inflation will decelerate this year appear to be correct. Products and services on offer in the country cost 2.4 per cent more last month than in March 2011. This increase followed a price jump of 2.6 per cent between February 2011 and February 2012. The annual inflation soared by 3.3 per […]

Property prices ‘will continue to rise’


A real estate manager has said he expects Viennese property prices to climb further. Johannes Meran, who heads the administration board of Vienna-based property developer Conwert Immobilien Invest AG (Conwert), told the Kurier newspaper today (Mon): “I think the price for owner-occupied apartments in Vienna will continue to rise. Increases of five to 10 per […]

AK furious as rents shoot up


The Labour Chamber (AK) has criticised real estate managers over sharp price hikes. The organisation said yesterday (Weds) that rents for flats rose by 34.5 per cent on average between 2001 and 2010 while the inflation climbed by just 21 per cent at the same time. AK officials called on property dealers to stop charging […]

Idea to name and shame tax fraudsters met with scepticism


The Association of Austrian Taxpayers has spoken out against the creation of a list of tax dodgers. The organisation said yesterday (Weds) that a decision like that would mean a “step backwards” in modern civil society. It stressed that not everyone accused of tax evasion was a criminal. “Many people whose names may be found […]

SPÖ suggests ‘list of tax evasion shame’


Social Democratic (SPÖ) General Secretary Günther Kräuter has said the possible publication of a “list of disgrace” to increase the pressure on tax dodgers has his party’s unequivocal support. Kräuter told broadcaster ORF yesterday evening (Tues) he backed the idea of Labour Chamber (AK) officials. Leading AK members said Austria should follow the example of […]

AK calls for cooperation tax hike


Labour Chamber (AK) President Herbert Tumpel has demanded higher corporation taxes. Tumpel said yesterday (Thurs) Austrian firms had handed over just 17 per cent in taxes in 2010 despite the mandatory 25 per cent taxation rate. He explained the investigated enterprises used various loopholes to evade worse tax burdens. The AK investigated the performance of […]

Lots of air found in food packs


The Viennese Labour Chamber (AK) has called on politicians to act on the content of air in foodstuff packages. The chamber said today (Mon) it checked 35 products on sale in Vienna for the percentage of air. The organisation picked the items over suspicions that they contained a substantial amount of air. AK announced it […]