Austria Accused Of Ignoring Giant Nazi Swastika

General News

A huge swastika that has scarred the walls of an Austrian castle for the past 80 years is still on view despite breaching strict postwar rules banning all Nazi symbols. Austrian officials stand accused of prevarication over the massive swastika that was painted on the side of Hochkraig Castle in the state of Carinthia in […]

Mauthausen wall defaced again

General News

The outer wall of the former Nazi concentration and death camp at Mauthausen, Upper Austria, was defaced again last Friday night, police said.An unknown party wrote “The blood of Turks and Jews is poisonous,” said Michael Tischlinger, the head of the provincial office for protection of the constitution and the fight against terrorism.He said the […]

Facebook group shut as users call for Nazi camp reopening

General News

A Facebook group calling for the “reopening” of Austrian concentration camp Mauthausen was taken offline after winning more than 13,000 members, officials have said.Political scientist Markus Rachbauer said members of the group called “Child abusers, we’ll reopen Mauthausen for you!” belittled Nazi era crimes.”People posting messages there called for torture and murder,” he said.Facebook user […]