Fashionista burglars snatch outfits worth €200,000

Burglars nicked 200,000 Euros worth of clothes from a shop in Vöcklabruck, leaving less valuable items, police have announced.Upper Austrian authorities said today (Tues) that the gang escaped with hundreds of items of pricey designer outfits for women from Italy and France. They said the criminals seemed to have known what they were looking for since they left cheap items untouched.Investigations are off to a slow start since the expensive store does not have a CCTV observation system.Hotel managers in Vienna have meanwhile said they are missing a painting worth 30,000 Euros.Hotel Bristol bosses informed police yesterday that a piece of art by late Polish painter Wojciech Kossak was cut out of its frame in a hallway on the weekend.Investigators are currently trying to find out why the five-star resort’s alarm system, set up to secure the painting and other valuable objects, did not go off.