Nazi school test leads to change in education directors


A school test that asked students to analyse a piece of writing without revealing it was Nazi apologist text has led to a shake up in leadership within the Austrian education authorities. The mistake was leaked by a group of critical authors, including Salzburg educator Wolfgang Muehlbacher who said that the 1947 text ‘The Snail’ […]

Schools Ordered To Save, But Also To Buy Expensive Scales


Austria’s embattled finance ministry has been dragged into a new scandal after it emerged that at the same time as demanding schools save 57 Millionen Euros in the coming year, they were also expected to find an additional 3 million to buy an approved set of weighing scales. The scales are not just any weighing […]

International Christian School of Vienna to offer International Baccalaureate


The International Christian School of Vienna (ICSV) has been accepted as an official IB World School Candidate for the Diploma Program. The ICSV is pursuing authorisation as an IB World School for the school year 2014/15. Mr. James Devenish, Director of the ICSV said: “We are excited about this new development and the fact that […]

Daily PE lesson: no new gyms planned


A daily physical education lesson will be introduced to Austrian full-time schools in autumn. However, additional gyms will not be built. City councillor Christian Oxonitsch (SPÖ) said that a renovation would be enough. “We guarantee a minimum of five hours of movement and sport per week for all classes in full-time schools”, said Claudia Schmied […]

SPÖ wants to see more gay and lesbian teachers


Gay and lesbian teachers have been a taboo in schools up to now. The SPÖ wants to change this. At the regional party conference, they decided about a legal proposal in order to support these teachers. The Social democrats demand more “sexual variety” in the teacher education. Education plans and training materials would have to […]

More sport activity for pupils needs more cash


The President of the Vienna School Board, Susanne Brandsteidl, believes the intended introduction of daily gym lessons for full time schools is a positive thing. However, the discussion is still continuing on the issue of financial resources for teachers and gym halls. Around 32,000 children and young people will be affected by the introduction of […]

Teachers ready to fight contract reform


Unionists are alarmed by news that the education ministry plans to make significant changes to teachers’ contracts. Social Democratic (SPÖ) Education Minister Claudia Schmied reportedly wants to abolish various privileges of the country’s teachers. Works council committee officials are especially angered about claims that the minister intends to get rid of clauses which protect academics […]

Swastika Shaped Austrian School Rebuilt

General News

Austrian education officials have spent more than £6 million rebuilding a school – after an aerial shot showed that it looked like a swastika from the air. The resemblance to the Nazi symbol was not noticed after the school was built in 1979 and it was only when Google Earth snaps were studied that the […]

Teachers too expensive


The Austrian state auditor has criticised the sharp increase in the cost of teachers in lower Austria. It said that with the teaching costs for compulsory schools alone the increase was around 21 percent. The report on teaching staff costs has now been presented to the regional government. According to the report the region has […]

Clear no to later start of lessons


Most Austrians reject a later start of school. Viennese public opinion research agency spoke with 500 Austrians to find out more about people’s opinion regarding the start of primary and secondary schools in the morning. Only one in five (20 per cent) of the interviewed citizens said they were in favour of a reform which […]