Around one million people in Austria consume too much alcohol. The initiative “Alkohol ohne Schatten” (Alcohol without Shadows) criticises that the extensive medical treatment is not enough rewarded. Michael Musalek, medical head of the Anton Proksch Institute and founder of the initiative said: “Alcohol is part of our society. Therfore, we have to learn how […]
Future teachers will get their knowledge directly from farms. Students of teacher training colleges will learn practical things about how modern agriculture works. They will be able to teach their future students. The project “School on Farms” has already been established. Future teachers will now go to farms in order to fill gaps in their […]
The ÖVP of Lower Austria announced that they would stop the expansion of wind farms. The interest group IG Windkraft strongly criticises this as they claim that the law undermines the turning point of energy. According to the new Spatial Planning Law, wind farms cannot be built everywhere any longer. The government of Lower Austria […]
The trial of a 61-year-old man from Salzburg, who blackmailed the company Aldi South, started yesterday (Wed) in Duisburg, Germany. The defendant has already admitted that he demanded 15 million Euros from the firm. The defendant, who is the publisher of a German magazine in Pattaya, Thailand, stated that he was forced to blackmail Aldi […]
The “KinderUniSteyr” (Kids University of Steyr) in Upper Austria is one of the most innovative Austrian educational projects. This year, the university for children will celebrate its tenth birthday. The goal of the KinderUniSteyr is to motivate the academics of tomorrow for science. The focus is not on ambitious studying but on curiosity for the […]
Fraud probe over school registration
The judiciary is still dealing with fake registrations of students in Burgenland. Students were registered as residence in several municipalities in order to stop the closing of schools. New charges have now been filed. The public prosecutor’s office of Vienna has now made further charges against the mayor of Deutsch Schützen, Franz Wachter (ÖVP), the […]
The Austrian project for a central matura – the equivalent of the A-Level exams – is being piloted in professional colleges this year. The controversial measure is an attempt to provide all pupils taking their final exams with the same paper. They are then marked according to fixed corrections. However, it has proven more difficult […]
The traditional 0,75-litre bottle of wine as we know it is thought to have been invented by the French emperor Napoleon. Austrian wine producers also completely moved across to the 0,75 litre-bottles after the wine scandal in 1985. The “Groszer Wein” winery in the Einsenberg district of Burgenland, however, has decided to go back to […]
The extreme sportsman Felix Baumgartner stated that the Ministry of Finance spared him additional taxation by political intervention. The former Financial Secretary Reinhold Lopatka (ÖVP) denies these claims. It was known that Baumgartner moved to Switzerland due to tax reasons. Mr Baumgartner told the newspaper “Kronen Zeitung” that the Ministry of Finance denied his tax-saving […]
Court rejects Strasser’s allegations
The legal charges made against “Upper Austrian News (OÖN) by the former Interior Minister Ernst Strasser (ÖVP) were rejected. Mr Strasser charged the newspaper due to their reporting of the lobbying affair for slander. The former politician considered two articles of the OÖN to have damaged his reputation. The newspaper wanted to establish the facts […]