Kids Uni project celebrates its 10th birthday

The “KinderUniSteyr” (Kids University of Steyr) in Upper Austria is one of the most innovative Austrian educational projects. This year, the university for children will celebrate its tenth birthday.

The goal of the KinderUniSteyr is to motivate the academics of tomorrow for science. The focus is not on ambitious studying but on curiosity for the world and the pleasure of scientific thinking.

Children can attend this special university during the summer holidays. More than 10,000 children and teenagers have taken part in the programmes in the last 10 years.

The topic of the year is “Grenzen_los.Jetzt!” (Unlimited.Now!). National and international experts from science and research will pass on their knowledge in around 200 lectures.

The University of Applied Science in Steyr and the Museum Arbeitswelt will turn into the university campus for kids from 26 to 29 August.

The enrollment will start on 16 June. In the first weeks of the holidays, the “SchlauFuchsAkademien” in Linz, Wels, Hagenberg and in Ennstal valley will also offer children the opportunity to dive into the world of science.