Male students get more cash from parents

General News

By Rob Hyde Male students in Austria are getting more financial support from their parents, a recent survey shows. In a report from the non-profit research body, the Institute for Advanced Studies (HIS), women students receive on average 40-80 Euros less funding per month from their mothers and fathers. The figures show that male students […]

Kids Uni project celebrates its 10th birthday


The “KinderUniSteyr” (Kids University of Steyr) in Upper Austria is one of the most innovative Austrian educational projects. This year, the university for children will celebrate its tenth birthday. The goal of the KinderUniSteyr is to motivate the academics of tomorrow for science. The focus is not on ambitious studying but on curiosity for the […]

More sport for kids demanded by parents


Campaigners demanding more physical education for children are calling for parents to sign a petition supporting the idea. As of Monday the group said that they had managed to get more than 30,000 signatures for their demand that kids have to get an hour a day in sport at school. Innsbruck University Sport Science Expert […]

ÖH attacks minister as tuition fees dispute intensifies


The Austrian Students’ Union (ÖH) has accused Science Minister Karlheinz Töchterle of refusing to face the facts. ÖH officials said yesterday (Mon) the member of the People’s Party’s (ÖVP) team of ministers “must accept reality” and ensure public subsidies of the 21 state-funded universities of Austria. ÖH leaders made the science minister aware of a […]

Poison-pen teen sentenced

General News

A teenage convict had his jail term extended for writing threatening letters to the president.Michael D., who currently serves time behind bars in Gerasdorf near Vienna for various youth crimes, wrote to Federal President Heinz Fischer some months ago he “would love to torture you if there is enough time.”The 17-year-old warned the former Social […]

Fischer ‘impressed’ by Singapore


Austrian President Heinz Fischer has made his second visit to Asia within four months.Fischer, who met with Malaysia’s political elite last November, was welcomed by leading politicians and businesspeople in Singapore yesterday (Mon) and today. The former vice chairman of the Austrian Social Democrats (SPÖ) – who is currently serving a second and final term […]

Cerha to get Salzburg gong


Friedrich Cerha will be honoured with the 2011 Salzburg Music Prize, it has emerged.The 84-year-old composer and conductor – who received the Austrian Decoration for Science and Art in 2005 – is the third artist after Salvatore Sciarrino and Klaus Huber – to get the award which includes a prize money of 60,000 Euros.The three-member […]

Minister wants university admission tests


People’s Party (ÖVP) Science Minister Beatrix Karl may have to brace for harsh opposition by student protesters after revealing plans to set up admission tests for popular university courses today (Thurs).Thousands of students have joined occupations of auditoriums at several Austria universities and street marches over the past few months to make the public aware […]

US military behind Haiti quake, says Innsbruck scientist

General News

Innsbruck political scientist Claudia von Werlhof has accused the USA of being behind the Haitian earthquake in January, it emerged today (Tues).According to a report on, Werlhof said that machines at a military research centre in Alaska used to detect deposits of crude oil by causing artificial earthquakes might have been intentionally set off […]