Debate over planned stop for wind farms in Lower Austria


The ÖVP of Lower Austria announced that they would stop the expansion of wind farms. The interest group IG Windkraft strongly criticises this as they claim that the law undermines the turning point of energy. According to the new Spatial Planning Law, wind farms cannot be built everywhere any longer. The government of Lower Austria […]

Linz Kindergarten plan for language works, claim


Linz deputy mayor Klaus Luger (SPÖ) says a policy of targetting kids with language difficulties which he prioneered in local kindergartens has been vindicated by a German report. According to the new study by the Berlin-Institute for Population and Development, carefully targetted language initiatives in Kindergartens bring the greatest results in advancing the language ability […]

Deal to stop building at the Wörthersee

Green Austria

Environmental campaigners are hailing a victory after local officials in Carinthia agreed to a complete stop on further building around the lakeside at the Wörthersee. After decades of uninterrupted expansion of buildings with jetties and concrete steps leading into the water there is now a situation where more than half of the lakeside has been […]

Many young Austrians plan to fork out more on holidays


Almost one in three young Austrians plan to spend more on their holidays next year, a poll has shown.Insurance agency Generali, which spoke to around 1,000 Austrians, announced today (Tues) that 26 per cent of Austrians aged 30 or younger will increase their holiday budget in 2011 compared to investments on vacations this year.Only 19 […]

NGOs shocked by ‘deadly’ development aid cutbacks


Federal President Heinz Fischer has claimed he is “deeply hurt” by the government’s decision to slash its development aid spending from next year.However Fischer, who attended the 2011 budget speech by People’s Party (ÖVP) Finance Minister Josef Pröll in the federal parliament in Vienna today (Tues), also stressed that he had understanding for the planned […]

Four in 10 police applicants fail fitness check

General News

Almost half of young Austrians applying to become police officers in Vienna fail the mandatory fitness test, it has emerged.Vienna police said today (Fri) around four out of 10 applicants did not pass the fitness check, and that the basic German skills test was also a stumbling block for many wannabe police officers.The Organisation for […]

Former Ambassador Hochleitner turns 80


Former Austrian Ambassador Erich Peter Hochleitner celebrates his 80th birthday today (Thurs).The Vienna-born international law expert represented Austria in Cairo, Brussels, London and Lisbon before heading international development projects of the foreign office.Hochleitner, who started working in diplomatic services in 1956, also acted as Austria’s Ambassador to NATO. He retired in 1996.

VIDC calls on Austria to shelter Iranian dissidents


The Vienna Institute for International Dialogue and Cooperation (VIDC) called on the Austrian government today (Weds) to give refuge to Iranian dissidents.Noting that Germany had announced on Monday that it would accept Iranian citizens, VIDC Director Walter Posch said: “I warmly welcome that step by the German government, and I am waiting for the Austrian […]