Linz Kindergarten plan for language works, claim


Linz deputy mayor Klaus Luger (SPÖ) says a policy of targetting kids with language difficulties which he prioneered in local kindergartens has been vindicated by a German report. According to the new study by the Berlin-Institute for Population and Development, carefully targetted language initiatives in Kindergartens bring the greatest results in advancing the language ability […]

BZÖ wants ‘economy’ a school subject


The Alliance for the Future of Austria (BZÖ) plans initiatives for more focus on economic subjects at school.The opposition party’s announcement comes after research revealed that half of around 1,900 Austrian university students were unable to answer more than half of the questions about economic issues correctly.Party chief Josef Bucher said today (Mon): “Economics should […]

Schools ban Facebook over cyber mobbing increase

General News

An increasing number of Austrian schools are banning access to social network platforms as more and more students become victims of online mobbing.Schools in the province of Styria have blocked access to websites such as Facebook and MySpace for two years, while dozens of schools in Lower Austria and other provinces recently followed the example.Studies […]