Deal to stop building at the Wörthersee

Green Austria

Environmental campaigners are hailing a victory after local officials in Carinthia agreed to a complete stop on further building around the lakeside at the Wörthersee. After decades of uninterrupted expansion of buildings with jetties and concrete steps leading into the water there is now a situation where more than half of the lakeside has been […]

Salzburg man dies under axed tree

General News

A 44-year-old woodworker was killed by a falling tree yesterday (Weds).The incident occurred during woodcutting activities at a forestry estate outside Leogang, Salzburg, police said today. The man was pronounced dead by an emergency doctor when the medic reached the scene of the accident.Earlier this month, a 21-year-old worker died in woodland near Bad Gastein, […]

Lower arm sewed back on in marathon surgery

General News

Surgeons at the AKH clinic in Linz managed to reattach a 60-year-old forestry worker’s lower arm in a marathon operation.Leopold M. from Luftenberg in the Upper Austrian district of Perg was rushed to the hospital after his right arm got entangled in the rotating circular saw on Tuesday. Colleagues put the chopped off lower arm […]

Salzburg pensioner injured from falling tree

General News

A pensioner was seriously injured yesterday (Thurs) when a tree he was cutting down fell on top of him near Rauris in Salzburg’s Pinzgau region.Police said the man, 60, had been the victim of bad luck since the tree’s branches had hit another tree as it was falling, changing the direction of its fall onto […]