Austrian on trial over Aldi blackmail

General News

The trial of a 61-year-old man from Salzburg, who blackmailed the company Aldi South, started yesterday (Wed) in Duisburg, Germany. The defendant has already admitted that he demanded 15 million Euros from the firm. The defendant, who is the publisher of a German magazine in Pattaya, Thailand, stated that he was forced to blackmail Aldi […]

Tyrolean Airways staff angered by ÖGB


The Federal Trade Union (ÖGB) has been accused of “betrayal”. Dozens of Tyrolean Airways (Austrian Arrows) employees organised a demonstration outside the ÖGB’s Viennese headquarters yesterday (Tues) to make themselves heard. Works council officials complained that the ÖGB considered their firm as nothing but a pawn in the game as the feud between the executive […]