Austrian on trial over Aldi blackmail

General News

The trial of a 61-year-old man from Salzburg, who blackmailed the company Aldi South, started yesterday (Wed) in Duisburg, Germany. The defendant has already admitted that he demanded 15 million Euros from the firm. The defendant, who is the publisher of a German magazine in Pattaya, Thailand, stated that he was forced to blackmail Aldi […]

‘Last Respite’ campaign over animal shelter´s future

General News

The Viennese Animal Protection Union (Wiener Tierschutzverein) has launched a controversial poster campaign in a desperate bid for donations.The images saying “Galgenfrist” (Last Respite) showing pets sitting on stools with nooses around their necks are an attempt to raise money from citizens and companies.The organisation looks after hundreds of abandoned animals at an estate in […]

Countryside culture delights at Regionale10


Dozens of concerts and exhibits will be on in Styria over the next few weeks as part of the Regionale10 festival.Fifty-one communities in Liezen district take part in the second edition of the event featuring theatre performances, musical shows and art exhibitions under the motto “In der Mitte am Rand” (In the Centre – At […]