Teachers to get hands on training on farms


Future teachers will get their knowledge directly from farms. Students of teacher training colleges will learn practical things about how modern agriculture works. They will be able to teach their future students. The project “School on Farms” has already been established. Future teachers will now go to farms in order to fill gaps in their […]

Austrians lack first aid knowledge


80 percent of all Austrians think they can provide first aid but only every seventh person knows what exactly needs to be done after an accident. This is the result of the “Pisa First Aid” survey, in which drivers are tested on their knowledge about first aid. “Self-assessment outweighs the actual knowledge”, said ÖAMTC director […]

Patten wants immigration rethink


Chris Patten has called on Europeans to treat immigrants better. The former European Commissioner for External Relations said today (Tues): “Yes, we do have the highest quality of living in Europe. However, we ignore the need for reforms to sustain this standard.” Speaking to Austrian newspaper Die Presse, the ex-governor of Hong Kong criticised that […]

Austrian students’ knowledge of economics cause for concern


Austrian students are interested in economics, but their knowledge about it is cause for concern, according to the Austrian Institute for Educational Research on Economics (ibw).The Institute’s report released today (Fri) are the results of a test taken by 1,900 students in Austrian higher-educational institutions and shows that only half of them had an adequately […]