Austrian economy falls in line with the European trend


By Matej Klenovský. Translation by Tomáš Buš Austria is in line with the current economic trend in Europe, according to several economic indicators made public in Austria on Friday. Analysis of the results of the indicators show that at the moment, there is a moderate decrease, almost stagnation, in the price levels. Meanwhile, industrial production […]

Minister plans grope law change


The story of a pervert that escaped scot free despite admitting fondling a young woman’s bottom in public could result in a change in the law in Austria. The incident shocked many people after it happened in Graz when the man groped the woman who he had never met before and was caught – but […]

Amendment could cause gas price decline


The head of energy sector watchdog E-Control has disclosed his plans for fairer gas prices. Walter Boltz told the Kurier today (Thurs) that a change of the current gas market law was planned for the beginning of next year. He said this step would allow Austrian firms to acquire transit gas. Boltz said it was […]

Southeast Austria feeling the effects of climate change

General News

By Rebecca Musgrave Temperatures are rising at a rate three times higher than the rest of the world in Southeast Styria. This change in climate may well be responsible for the driest November on record this year. The UN climate change conference began yesterday (Mon) in Durban, South Africa, prior to which current climate figures […]

Patten wants immigration rethink


Chris Patten has called on Europeans to treat immigrants better. The former European Commissioner for External Relations said today (Tues): “Yes, we do have the highest quality of living in Europe. However, we ignore the need for reforms to sustain this standard.” Speaking to Austrian newspaper Die Presse, the ex-governor of Hong Kong criticised that […]

Hay Group highlights modern threat to family firms


When the world’s most famous Austrian abroad made his last film he could not resist a plug for his favourite snack. As a result in Terminator 3 the cyborg played by Austrian-born Schwarzenegger grabs a bunch of Manner wafers when shopping for food at the gas station in the desert – and the merciless killing […]

Austrian embassy in Paris ‘a pigsty’


People’s Party (ÖVP) Environment Minister Nikolaus Berlakovich has labelled the Austrian embassy in Paris a “pigsty”, according to reports.The federal minister was due to catch a connection flight in the French capital yesterday (Tues) to attend the United Nations’ (UN) 2010 Climate Change Conference in Cancun, Mexico.The departure of the Air France jet the minister […]

Alliance blames industrialised nations for climate change

Green Austria

By William GreenAustrian environmental groups have launched a fresh attack on industrialised nations ahead of the Copenhagen climate change conference next month.The Austrian Alliance for Climate Justice – which includes 50 non-governmental organisations (NGOs) active in the environmental, development-assistance, social and humanitarian sector claimed yesterday (Weds) that industrialised countries were primarily responsible for climate change.The […]