Alliance blames industrialised nations for climate change

By William GreenAustrian environmental groups have launched a
fresh attack on industrialised nations ahead of the Copenhagen climate
change conference next month.The Austrian Alliance for Climate
Justice – which includes 50 non-governmental organisations (NGOs)
active in the environmental, development-assistance, social and
humanitarian sector claimed yesterday (Weds) that industrialised
countries were primarily responsible for climate change.The alliance also claimed 110 billion Euros need to be spent annually to prevent further climate change.Members
called on industrialised countries to pay tens of billions of Euros
annually to cover the cost of damage caused by climate change and
claimed that millions of people were suffering from climate change.Andreas
Zahner from Care Austria said: “More frequent droughts and massive
floods are destroying many people’s harvests, the basis of their lives.
If they are not helped, millions will have to flee.”