Swap deals legal case gets underway


The civil case of the city of Linz, Upper Austria, against the Bawag bank about the swap deal will start on 24 May. The maximum amount of damage for Linz could be as much as 417 million Euros in the worst case. The city of Linz will send its financial director, the former state traffic […]

Doves released for funerals offer


The Viennese funeral parlour Furtner now offers a symbolic supplement of the classic funeral. White doves can be released into the sky during the ceremony. Doves that fly towards the sky symbolise love, luck or peace, but also the rising of the soul of the dead. Melanie Furnter, head of the funeral parlour, is convinced […]

New baby wolves born in the Schönbrunn zoo

General News

Five wolf cubs are the latest addition to the Schönbrunn zoo in Vienna this spring. The wolves are now several weeks old and have gradually been wondering more and more outside their underground lair. Wolf pups have their eyes closed for two weeks after they are born and are defenceless during that time. Zoo director […]

Plenty To Smile About For Axolotl

General News

This rare Axolotl salamander has a reason to smile as he welcomes visitors as the star attraction at an Aquaria Fun Park in Austria. Unlike his relatives he has not ended up struggling to escape pollution back home in Mexico or being experimented in a lab where they are a much sought after research object. […]

Berrys Fake Agents 150k Con


Eccentric celebrity-mad multi-millionaire Richard Lugner was conned out of 150,000 GBP by fraudster claiming to be Halle Berry’s manager, a court has heard. Tycoon Lugner – infamous for inviting celebs to Austria’s annual Vienna Opera Ball – had been negotiating with the conwoman to bring the Hollywood actress to the city as his guest at […]

Mouth To Nose Resuscitation Trick Saves Dog

General News

This dog’s owner nose a thing or two about first aid, at least when it came to saving the life of her beloved pet after he was taken out of her burning hose by fireman in Moedling in Lower-Austria. Beautician Sabine Bauer, 24, said: “I was at a neighbour’s for five minutes, and when I […]

Jackson Fans Get Memorial To Hero


A statue to Michael Jackson has gone on display in the middle of a tiny Austrian town so that fans can have a tribute to their hero. Councillors in Mistelbach in a wine growing region north of the Austrian capital Vienna approved the request by two local women for the 30 foot statue which will […]

Key for Two at Viennas English Theatre [Review]


By Olivia Michaud Key for Two at Vienna’s English Theatre is a quintessentially British comedy. The play by John Chapman and Dave Freeman has to be one of the funniest and timeless shows about in the Austrian capital. Indeed – at no point in history has it been easy for single women to survive financially. […]

Schools in Vienna discuss possible phone ban


Several schools in Vienna are currently considering whether they can ban mobile phones. Phones often disturb the lessons and students also use their smartphones in the breaks. The school board of the city opposes a complete ban. International studies show that nine out of ten teenagers have a mobile phone and half of them have […]

Baumgartner achieves the unachievable yet again

General News

The Austrian extreme sportsman Felix Baumgartner has lived in Arbon, Switzerland, for a year. Despite a long waiting list, he has already received a place to park his boat. Nothing is impossible for Felix Baumgartner (43): he was the first human to break the sound barrier when he jumped from the stratosphere. Rita Fischer of […]