Tour of Austria: Glockner-King is Swiss


Swiss cyclist Mathias Frank has won the infamous Glockner stage of the Tour of Austria. The 26-year-old from Team BMC was fastest on the stretch between Matrei and Sankt Johan im Pongau (Salzburg). He was rewarded with a 2,504 Euro bonus at the top of the 15-kilometre climb – a figure which represents the altitude […]

Children uni releases study book


KinderuniWien will start again from 8 to 20 July and offer a diverse programme. A study book with all lectures will be published on Saturday. “How did Count Dracula become a film star?”; “What is the most poisonous animal in the world?” and “Will robots soon take over the world?” The KinderuniWien offers lectures, where […]

Help an Austrian initiative to support survivors of the cyclone Mahasen


The cyclone Mahasen hit the Southeastern coast region of Bangladesh and Burma yesterday (Thurs). The Austrian non-profit initiative HOPE’87 is currently doing its best to ensure the supply of the evacuated people from the affected regions. Cyclones, which are tropical thunderstorms in the Indian Ocean and in parts of the Pacific, are very common in […]

Row over slow pace of Schwedenplatz redevelopment


The planned redevelopment of Schwedenplatz and Morzinplatz in Vienna has caused troubles. Head of the district Ursula Stenzel (ÖVP) thinks that the planning phase is taking too long. Planning Chief Maria Vassilakou rejects the accusations. The head of the first district accuses the City of Vienna of biding their time as there is apparently no […]

Parking stickers rejected in Vienna-Hietzing


The parking sticker was rejected in a poll of residents in Vienna-Hietzing. Around a quarter of residents oppose an introduction of a parking sticker. 59% of 41,000 persons who are entitled to vote took part in the poll. 18,618 people voted against and 5,113 people voted in favour of the parking sticker. 41,000 questionnaires were […]

Dream of a new life ends in hospital

General News

A young couple from Vienna who were planning to start a new life in Germany are now fighting for their lives in hospital after a car accident while they were out celebrating with friends in Hamburg at the weekend. The two were only named named by local police as Marie-Thérèse H. (25) and Florian R. […]

Lake Millstatt moves into thermal tourism


With stunning panorama views and spectacular lakes Carinthia is a winner in the summer in attracting tourists but the lakeside tourism opportunities are limited by the weather. But at the thermal lake at Millstatt locals have taken the first step towards making lakeside enjoyment and almost all year-round activity with the building of Carinthia’s first […]

U-Bahn renovation replacement service details issued

General News

Wiener Linien has explained how it plans to compensate the partial shutdown of one of the city’s busiest underground lines. The company – which is in charge of public transport in Vienna – said there was no alternative to closing down the U1 line service between the stations of Reumannplatz in Vienna-Favoriten district and Stephansplatz […]

Trainee driver caused frontal crash

General News

A 20-year-old Austrian is critically ill in intensive care after his car was hit head-on by a trainee driver from Afghanistan, who was practising for his driving licence. The accident happened at the weekend on the B139 in Leonding in the Linz-Land district when the car driven by the Afghani learner driver, aged 33, crossed […]

No prostitution in Neubau, says Blimlinger


An influential Viennese district chief is thwarting his own party’s attempts to reform the city’s prostitution law. Neubau leader Thomas Blimlinger said today (Fri) he rejected the Greens’ decision to create one of the five areas where street sex trade would be allowed soon in his district. The agreement between his party and the Social […]