Row over slow pace of Schwedenplatz redevelopment

The planned redevelopment of Schwedenplatz and Morzinplatz in Vienna has caused troubles. Head of the district Ursula Stenzel (ÖVP) thinks that the planning phase is taking too long. Planning Chief Maria Vassilakou rejects the accusations.

The head of the first district accuses the City of Vienna of biding their time as there is apparently no money for the renovation. The planning process has taken too long and there have not been any concrete results so far, Ms Stenzel stated.

She said that the redevelopment of Schwedenplatz would only start in two to three years, which is “too late”. The model for Schwedenplatz will be established until autumn. Ms Stenzel thinks that these workshops are only a measure of biding time.

Currently, dirty paths and full streets characterise Schwedenplatz and the adjacent Morzinplatz at the Danube channel. However, the square should actually be a representative door to the city centre, Ms Stenzel went on.

The responsible vice mayor Maria Vassilakou criticised these “counterproductive accusations” and Ms Stenzel’s lack of cooperation. She said that good planning takes time and that the city will bear all redevelopment costs.

More than 2,000 people have participated in the citizen participation procedure for the future of Schwedenplatz and have made proposals. They demand more green areas, a better organisation of the tramlines and better connections for pedestrians.