Children uni releases study book

KinderuniWien will start again from 8 to 20 July and offer a diverse programme. A study book with all lectures will be published on Saturday.

“How did Count Dracula become a film star?”; “What is the most poisonous animal in the world?” and “Will robots soon take over the world?” The KinderuniWien offers lectures, where children will get response to these questions.

A study book, where all lectures are listed, has now been finished. It will be available from 1 June at wienXtra kinderinfo at Museumsquartier, at the porter in the main building of the University of Vienna, at the “A1 Internet für Alle” campus and in the bookshop Kuppitsch.

More information can also be found on the website of KinderuniWien from 1 June. Each child can visit eight lectures or seminars and two workshops. In total, the universities expect more than 4,000 curious children.

27,000 places in lectures, seminars and workshops are available. The philologist and Minister of Science Karlheinz Töchterle and the Minister of Health Alois Stöger are among the 500 scientists who will teach the children.

Many university venues will host the KinderuniWien for children from the age of seven to twelve: The University of Vienna with the venues Campus and University Centre Althanstraße (9th district), the Medical University of Vienna (9th district), the Technical University of Vienna (4th district), the University for Agriculture and Forestry (19th district), the Veterinary Medical University of Vienna (21st district) and FH Campus Wien (10th district).

Students of KinderuniWien have to be aware of certain dates: after the study book has been published on 1 June, you can register on 16 June at Campus of the University of Vienna.

You can also register from 17 June to 4 July on the website of the Kinderuni, at the registration booth at Campus in Spitalgasse 2 and at the “Internet für Alle Campus” in Engerthstrasse 169.

The graduation ceremony will take place on 20 July in the festival hall in the main building of the University of Vienna.