2 weeks to rescue 2,200 dayli jobs

General News

By Rob Hyde Bankrupt cosmetic store chain, dayli, has just 2 weeks to secure an investor, or all 2,200 jobs will be lost. Assets administrator Rudolf Mitterlehner has already registered all remaining dayli workers as provisionally laid off with the Austrian job centre (AMS), in case an investor to bail out the company cannot be […]

Austrian ex-MEP Ernst Strasser jailed for bribe-taking


Former Austrian interior minister and Euro MP, Ernst Strasser, has been sentenced to four years in jail for bribe-taking. His lawyer has instantly said he will appeal meaning that Strasser will not go to jail until the appeal has been heard. Strasser, 56, of the conservative Austrian People’s Party (OeVP), was one of four MEPs […]

Real estate fraudster sought by police

General News

Police in Vienna have issued this wanted photograph of a man who managed to somehow get a front door key for an empty flat – and then put an advert in to the newspapers offering to rent out for a cash payment of €10,000 upfront. In Austria although technically not legal or difficult to demand […]

Austrian Olympic secretary jailed


A top Olympic official who funded a champagne lifestyle by using the organisations cash as if it was his own has been jailed. Heinz Jungwirth, former long standing Secretary General of the Austrian Olympic Committee (ÖOC), has been sentenced to five years in prison for embezzlement and ordered to pay a fine of 1.5 million […]

Mayor carries €110,000 to Venezuela


A Styrian politician is in hot water after failing to declare over 100,000 Euros in cash visiting Venezuela. Weekly magazine profil revealed that Andreas Grauf, the mayor of Pirka near Graz, had 110,000 Euros in the inner pocket of his jacket when he arrived in the South American country in May. According to the European […]

Thievish postal clerk convicted

General News

A former post office deputy manager has been found guilty of stealing cash from hundreds of letters for a number of years. The 45-year-old woman received a suspended 15-month prison sentence in a court in Leoben, Styria, yesterday (Thurs). She denied financial difficulties but spoke of a “personal crisis” when asked to comment on her […]

Thievish duo nabbed after cross-country crime spree

General News

Two young women from Bulgaria are accused of stealing around 25,000 Euros from elderly people in Austria. The duo – who were caught in May – are in custody in Vienna, police said today (Fri). Investigators said the women aged 20 and 21 followed pensioners after watching them withdraw money at cash terminals in towns […]

Cashpoint crooks caught

General News

Police arrested two men suspected of channelling banknotes into manipulative devices at cash machines.The duo allegedly set up thin metal plates at cash machines at a cash terminal in Laaben in Lower Austria – where they were arrested yesterday (Tues) – to get hold of cash withdrawn by bank customers.It is unclear how much money […]

Bungling bank robber nabbed

General News

A hapless criminal was collared as he tried to rob a bank – while police attended the branch on other grounds.Police officers called by clerks after the handbag of an elderly woman was stolen moments after she had left the bank in Vienna’s Mariahilf district with a large amount of cash yesterday afternoon (Thurs).When checking […]

Cash machine con has South American link, police say

General News

A bank in Carinthia has vowed to compensate its clients after conmen withdrew thousands of Euros from their accounts.Kärntner Sparkasse said today (Weds) police are examining the incident. The firm explained that fraudsters apparently managed to get account information of clients after a small camera was set up at a cashpoint in Klagenfurt.Large amounts of […]