Austrian Olympic secretary jailed


A top Olympic official who funded a champagne lifestyle by using the organisations cash as if it was his own has been jailed. Heinz Jungwirth, former long standing Secretary General of the Austrian Olympic Committee (ÖOC), has been sentenced to five years in prison for embezzlement and ordered to pay a fine of 1.5 million […]

Spanish Riding School ‘gallops towards bankruptcy’


Vienna’s famous Spanish Riding School (SRS) has caused a media storm with reports today (Tues) claiming the institution suffered losses of 400,000 Euros last year.Two of the SRS’s four head riders suspended from work in 2009 after being at odds with SRS boss Elisabeth Gürtler were still on full wages report the dailies and says […]

Unmanned horse carriage bolts in Vienna

General News

Two cars were damaged after an unmanned fiaker horse carriage bolted in the city centre last night (Sun).Police in the capital said today the two horses ran off in front of the Albertina museum after their driver popped off to get them some food.A passing car startled them, causing them to bolt, and the quick-thinking […]