WKÖO wants stiff penalties for jobless refusing work

General News

by Rob Hyde Unemployed people not prepared to accept work offered to them should face harsher penalties says the Upper Austrian Chamber of Labour (WKÖO). The WKÖO contacted 11 jobless people for a 2,900 Euro per month position on an Upper Austrian construction site. As none took up the position, the authority said this was […]

Real estate fraudster sought by police

General News

Police in Vienna have issued this wanted photograph of a man who managed to somehow get a front door key for an empty flat – and then put an advert in to the newspapers offering to rent out for a cash payment of €10,000 upfront. In Austria although technically not legal or difficult to demand […]

Austrians have high payment morale, KSV says


Private businesses have higher payment morale than public institutions, research has shown. KSV 1870 (KSV), a federal association for the protection of creditors, said yesterday (Thurs) debtors in Austria paid up after an average 30 days. The organisation – which investigated payment statistics in June – explained it took 38 days until public institutions like […]

Transaction error upsets BA clients


Bank Austria (BA) customers have been assured they will be compensated for losses temporarily suffered due to a technical glitch.Viennese newspapers report today (Thurs) that hundreds of customers of BA and credit card payment services provider Paylife were affected by the error which meant amounts twice as high as intended had been withdrawn from their […]