WKÖO wants stiff penalties for jobless refusing work

General News

by Rob Hyde Unemployed people not prepared to accept work offered to them should face harsher penalties says the Upper Austrian Chamber of Labour (WKÖO). The WKÖO contacted 11 jobless people for a 2,900 Euro per month position on an Upper Austrian construction site. As none took up the position, the authority said this was […]

Bank Austria wins latest stage in Madoff legal case


The controversial legal battle against Bank Austria on behalf of investors that lost out when they were persuaded to invest in the pyramid scheme operated by convicted fraudster Bernard Madoff  has taken a twist when a specimen case was settled in advance of a High Court ruling. The case was carried out by one of […]

Doomed Triumph staff to work part time


Employees at underwear and lingerie manufacturer Triumph International AG’s Hartberg factory will work part time for the next few months, it has been revealed just weeks after firm chiefs announced plans to lay off everyone.The internationally operating Swiss firm said in June that all 291 staff would be made redundant by 31 October when the […]

Lower Austria ‘invested €40 mn in disgraced Madoff fund’


Lower Austria has invested 40 million Euros in disgraced American Bernard Madoff’s Alpha Prime fund, says a report in today’s (Thurs) Der Standard newspaper.Der Standard said that Fibeg, the provincial investment office, had invested the money with Madoff on 30 June 2008.Madoff, who had been running a giant Ponzi scheme for years, went belly up […]

Fridge and freezer scrappage scheme launched

Green Austria

By David RogersAustrian authorities have launched a new scrappage scheme for old refrigerators and freezers.The Household Environmental Forum (UFH) in cooperation with the environment ministry announced today that Austrians would get 100 Euros for the exchange of the old appliances for energy-saving “A++” devices under the scheme, which has been backdated to 1 September.The budget […]