New panorama bridge and glass stairs open on Dachstein


Dare devils in the Dachstein mountain region in Styria, Austria can test their nerves on the new so called ‘stairs to nothingness’. Visitors can walk down the narrow glass steps to a viewing platform hanging over the mountains with a spectacular view located at 2,700 metres above sea level. The stairs weigh in at five […]

2 weeks to rescue 2,200 dayli jobs

General News

By Rob Hyde Bankrupt cosmetic store chain, dayli, has just 2 weeks to secure an investor, or all 2,200 jobs will be lost. Assets administrator Rudolf Mitterlehner has already registered all remaining dayli workers as provisionally laid off with the Austrian job centre (AMS), in case an investor to bail out the company cannot be […]

Pair bike to Gibralta as pre-wedding test

General News

By Rob Hyde A pair who biked to Gibralta as a pre-wedding test of their relationship, have returned to Austria. The couple had cycled from Hollenthon in Lower Austria to the rock of Gibralta, then flew back to Vienna, before biking the rest of the way home. They had journeyed all the way to the […]

Python shock for Innsbruck teacher

General News

By Rob Hyde Fire-fighters were called when a lady in Innsbruck found a king python coiled beneath the kitchen sink. 27-year-old teacher Ulrike Schl., whose surname has been withheld for legal reasons, froze in terror when she bent down to reach for a cloth beneath the sink, and instead discovered the giant snake staring back […]

14 years no sex no grounds for annulment

General News

By Rob Hyde A husband in Austria has been told he cannot have his marriage annulled just because he has had no sex for 14 years.  Austria’s supreme court (OGH) told the man that just because his wife is not able to sleep with him, and therefore also not able to bear him children, this […]

Asylum seekers are human traffickers, claim

General News

By Rob Hyde Following widespread protest at the deportation of the “abbey asylum seekers”, Vienna state prosecution has announced that 3 are human traffickers. The prosecution says that Azhar I., Ali S. and Sabtain S., whose surnames have been withheld for legal reasons, managed to smuggle around 1,000 people from Pakistan to Austria, France and […]

FPÖ in 150,000 Euro spending mystery

General News

Austria’s far-right Freedom Party (FPÖ) in Carinthia must account for over 150,000 Euros in unexplained spending, says the local court of auditors (RH). The federal court of auditors (LRH) for Carinthia said questions remain unanswered relating to 154,000 Euros in FPÖ party spending. The LRH Carinthia inspected all political parties between March and May last […]

Wife sues husband after crazed driving lesson

General News

By Rob Hyde A woman from Salzburg has pressed charged against her husband who threatened to kill her whilst giving her a driving lesson. The 36 year old man lost his patience with his wife whilst attempting to teach her to drive, and he said he would kill her. He threw his mobile phone at […]

Caritas slams “abbey asylum seekers” deportation

General News

By Rob Hyde Caritas has slammed Austria’s move to deport 8 Pakistani asylum seekers who have been living in an abbey. The catholic charity’s general secretary said authorities have made a “completely incorrect” assessment of how dangerous Pakistan is. The Pakistani men were moved in March 2013 from the Votivkirche church in Vienna to the […]

Austrians Europe’s 2nd most eager shoppers

General News

By Rob Hyde Austrians are the second most eager shoppers in Europe, according to the Society for Consumer Research (GfK). The figures show that despite fears of a decrease in income, Austrians enjoy shopping more than most of Europe. In order to compile the data the GfK interviewed 1,500 consumers in 12 European countries, awarding […]