Austrias motorway operator auctions off snow ploughs and lorries

General News

ASFINAG has auctioned off 200 vehicles and pieces of equipment in Graz-Raaba (Styria) yesterday (Wednesday) to finance a new car pool. The 200 pieces that went to auction – ranging from small cars to snow ploughs and lawnmowers – were used by ASFINAG, who is responsible for planning, building, maintaining and operating motorways in many […]

Organic meat with sheep shares

General News

Sheep shares are being offered in Austria in a bid to keep meadowland under control. The unique project has been set up in the Weinberge in southern Burgenland where the forests are threatening to encroach on the open landscape that previously existed. Now a project to keep the natural meadows the part of the local […]

Family father gets 18 years for abusing daughter

General News

A Viennese man has been sentenced to prison for molesting his daughter for five years. The 55-year-old – who resided with his family in Burgenland for years – was ordered to spend 18 years at a secure institution for felons with psychological disorders by a court in Eisenstadt yesterday (Tues). The verdict is not yet […]

Official accused of bagging €100,000 of public funds

General News

A civil servant has been suspended over accusations that he has been embezzling large amounts of town hall assets for years.The man, whose name and age were withheld, faces criminal charges. He is accused of having pocketed around 100,000 Euros throughout the past three years. The losses were discovered in an internal inspection.Police in the […]

‘Skyrunner’ faked successful K2 bid


A controversial Austrian climber has admitted lying about reaching the summit of the world’s second-highest mountain four weeks ago.Christian Stangl has angered many extreme mountain climbers for years by boasting about his groundbreaking tactics to climb the world’s most feared peaks. The Styrian – who calls himself “Skyrunner” – said he focuses on reaching the […]

Anger as artist gets ready for ‘chick jump’


Animal activists are up in arms over a Viennese performance artist’s announcement to jump into a basin of fledglings.Artist Renfah said today (Fri) he planned to hurl himself into a glass container of 10,000 male chicks which would be turned into food immediately after birth at his studio in Wieden district next Wednesday (8 September).A […]

Denying Greece support ‘dangerous’, Pröll warns


People’s Party (ÖVP) Vice Chancellor Josef Pröll has warned of “dangerous developments” as European Union (EU) member states have backed out of the previously agreed upon support package for Greece.Speaking about the Czech Republic’s and Slovakia’s decision not to contribute to the 110-billion-Euro rescue bid agreed upon last May, he said today (Thurs): “Neighbouring countries […]

Confessional box auction offline after ‘satanic’ bid

General News

Catholic Church killjoys have ordered a parish to take its confessional box auction offline – right after the highest bid was exactly 666 Euros.Priest Otto Weber of cash-strapped Hirschstetten parish in Vienna-Donaustadt decided to offer one of the church’s confessional boxes on eBay to carry out essential renovations.But Archdiocese Vienna decision-makers forced the canny cleric […]

Cruise and Diaz return to Austria


Hollywood stars Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz have been on a top secret trip to Salzburg, it has emerged.The A-list celebrities flew into the picturesque city’s airport in separate private jets yesterday morning (Mon). “Mission: Impossible” star Cruise was accompanied by his wife Katie Holmes and their daughter Suri.The actors and their entourage stayed at […]

MEP accused of making Nazi Salute


An Austrian Member of the European Parliament (MEP) has been accused by a rival of making the so-called Nazi salute.Freedom Party (FPÖ) MEP Andreas Mölzer said today (Tues) independent MEP Hans-Peter Martin clicked his heels in front of his colleague Franz Obermayr in a hallway of the European Parliament (EP) in Strasbourg, France, before making […]