Ukrainian Politicians Given Austrian Passports, Claim


Ukraine’s last Prime Minister, the current intermediary Prime Minister and the man likely to be the next Prime Minister have all allegedly been secretly given Austrian passports. The naming of Serhiy Arbuzov, Ukraine’s interim Prime Minister following the resignation of Mykola Azarov, as well as Azarov himself and Andriy Klyuyev, expected to be named as […]

Disputed MEP faces fraud charges


A controversial member of the European Parliament (MEP) could be in court for fraud later this year, it has emerged. Hans-Peter Martin made headlines by secretly filming MEPs of different nationalities and political movements to expose their alleged abuse of various privileges in Strasbourg, France, and Brussels, Belgium, where the European Parliament (EP) and the […]

Another ÖVP MEP quits


The People’s Party (ÖVP) is in turmoil after two members of the European Parliament (MEP) quit within days.MEP Helga Ranner announced yesterday (Tues) she decided to resign. Austrian newspapers claimed Ranner tried to cover personal debts of around seven million Euros with MEPs’ reimbursement of expenses.Ranner vehemently denied the accusations, but argued the reports have […]

MEP accused of making Nazi Salute


An Austrian Member of the European Parliament (MEP) has been accused by a rival of making the so-called Nazi salute.Freedom Party (FPÖ) MEP Andreas Mölzer said today (Tues) independent MEP Hans-Peter Martin clicked his heels in front of his colleague Franz Obermayr in a hallway of the European Parliament (EP) in Strasbourg, France, before making […]