Scheuch ‘will not plead guilty’


Carinthian Freedom Party (FPK) boss Uwe Scheuch emphasised that he had no plans to plead guilty to unjust enrichment after a verdict against him was annulled. The Provincial High Court of Styria (OLG) in Graz announced last week it wanted the Court of Klagenfurt to re-examine the case again. OLG experts had to look into […]

Poison-pen teen sentenced

General News

A teenage convict had his jail term extended for writing threatening letters to the president.Michael D., who currently serves time behind bars in Gerasdorf near Vienna for various youth crimes, wrote to Federal President Heinz Fischer some months ago he “would love to torture you if there is enough time.”The 17-year-old warned the former Social […]

Burnout to pounce on many judges, survey shows


One in five Austrian judges is at risk of suffering from burnout, a study has concluded.The survey – carried out by the ARGE Burnout group and experts of the Medical University in Graz, Styria – was presented today (Thurs). Researchers questioned more than 700 judges.The investigation shows that around 20 per cent are threatened by […]

Farmer gets jail for keeping slave

General News

A provincial High Court has increased a farmer’s sentence for keeping a worker under inhumane conditions for 30 years.The Styrian High Court in Graz ruled yesterday (Thurs) that Peter P., 63, must serve six months behind bars. The elderly farmer was given a suspended 18-month prison term by judges in Leoben last year. The new […]

Pensioner sentenced for stalking

General News

A Styrian pensioner has been given a suspended jail term for stalking.Judges at the Criminal Court in Graz heard today (Tues) how the 62-year-old woman kept sending letters to a man for months.The 67-year-old reported the defendant to the police after she continuously tried to begin a relationship with him after they met in a […]

Tyrolean sentenced for groping Brit girl

General News

A Tyrolean has been sentenced to jail for molesting a young British holidaymaker.The man worked as a driver of a private shuttle service offered by hotel managers to their guests in the town of Alpbach.A 15-year-old teenager from Manchester accused the man of fondling her breasts while she played table tennis with a friend at […]

Croat bodybuilders banned after Austrian doping check


Five Croatian bodybuilders have been suspended for doping as court procedures against a former Austrian sports manager continue.An Austrian doping control laboratory’s analysis of samples taken during a competition in Sisak, Croatia, from Marijan Mesec, Miroslav Kolobaric, Mirsad Skaljic and Robert Horvat last May confirmed that the athletes took illegal substances.Strongman Robert Meznaric was found […]

AIDS-denying mother sentenced

General News

A Styrian woman who infected her baby with HIV has been given a ten-month suspended jail sentence.Judges heard yesterday (Tues) how Barbara Seebald from Frauental kept doctors from carrying out a caesarean when she gave birth to Muriel last year despite suffering from the disease.The 41-year-old contracted the virus around 20 years ago but said […]

High Court ups term for man trying to throw lover off cliff

General News

A deranged Carinthian man who tried to throw his lover off a cliff has had his jail term extended.The Federal High Court (OGH) announced yesterday (Weds) that it had decided to increase the initial sentence. Klagenfurt provincial court sentenced the 40-year-old local to 10 months in prison, with another 20 months suspended. But the OGH […]

Boxing champ killer’s 20-year term confirmed

General News

Federal High Court judges dismissed appeals to lower the sentence of a man who stabbed a former boxing champion to death.Judge Brigitte Kunst, who headed the three-member senate in today’s (Thurs) trial, said the Chechen defendant’s 20-year sentence will not be lowered as requested by his lawyer Lennart Binder.Zaurbek Bersanov, 27, was found guilty of […]