Dragon gets a tail


The most famous of Klagenfurt’s statues the Lindworm has finally been repaired after the tail of the dragon figure was in danger of falling off. The famous dragon statue has become the unofficial symbol of the city and is frequently featured on tourism literature both locally and for Austria as well. The statue was built […]

Vienna has nursery places for one third of children


Vienna is still suffering from a shortage of kindergarten places for years after the law was changed to make sure they were free to any children aged up to 6 years old. That is despite the fact that the city has invested heavily in increasing the number of places available. Yet despite those most experts […]

AUA reveals first half-year results


Austrian airline carrier AUA has admitted that between January and June the number of passengers fell by 3% to 5.3 million. In June it was 0.8% less than the same period the year before. Although it is a reduction Austrian Airlines is not alone in seeing a reduction in the number of passenger numbers which […]

Bad bank solution for Hypo Alpe Adria


Austria’s national bank governor (OeNB) Ewald Nowotny has come out in favour of a “Bad Bank” model to solve the problems of the Hypo Alpe Adria (HGAA) bank. The bank in Carinthia was at the centre of a scandal after it was revealed that it had been involved in a number of questionable activities including […]

Hotels cost most in Innsbruck according to study

General News

Hotels are more expensive in Innsbruck than in any other part of Austria according to a new study by the online booking portal hotel.info. The study also found that in general across the country Hotel prices have risen on the previous year by around 4.32%. In Innsbruck there are the highest prices as opposed to […]

Trusting time


The ability to trust is not something that children have automatically at birth but is actually developed in the early years at school according to a new study by psychologists in Graz. Working together with colleagues from the University the Prof Ursula Athenstaedt from the Institute of psychology at the University of Graz together with […]

Sweet success for Schwedenbomben planned


The owners of the popular sweet manufacturers Schwedenbomben recently rescued from insolvency after it was sold to Heidi Chocolat S.A. are planning to invest heavily to allow for expansion into new markets. The new owners say that the expansion plans mean that they are hoping to increase production by 70% and that means that even […]

Turkey is the most popular holiday destination

General News

Vorarlberg’s favourite holiday destination is Turkey, according to the regional travel agents. The spokesperson for the Vorarlberg travel agents Michael Nachbaur said that was clear in the bookings. There is also a renewed interest for holidays in Greece, and charter flights to the Italian islands of Sardinia and Elba are still very popular. Nachbaur said […]

Tour of Austria: Glockner-King is Swiss


Swiss cyclist Mathias Frank has won the infamous Glockner stage of the Tour of Austria. The 26-year-old from Team BMC was fastest on the stretch between Matrei and Sankt Johan im Pongau (Salzburg). He was rewarded with a 2,504 Euro bonus at the top of the 15-kilometre climb – a figure which represents the altitude […]

Investigation against Carinthian media boss

General News

The Carinthian media owner Hansjörg Berger has confirmed he is currently being investigated by the anti-corruption authorities. Part of the money earned from advertising is thought to have flowed back into the accounts of the former freedom party in Carinthia (FPK). He is accused of having transferred money to the party through an advertising agency […]