Bad bank solution for Hypo Alpe Adria


Austria’s national bank governor (OeNB) Ewald Nowotny has come out in favour of a “Bad Bank” model to solve the problems of the Hypo Alpe Adria (HGAA) bank. The bank in Carinthia was at the centre of a scandal after it was revealed that it had been involved in a number of questionable activities including […]

Spindelegger deplores ‘EU enlargement fatigue’


Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) Foreign Minister Michael Spindelegger has called for an end to “EU enlargement fatigue”.”The economic crisis should not be an excuse for enlargement fatigue,” he said today (Weds), adding that closer relations between states in the western Balkans and the European Union were in “Austria’s own interest.”He called on the European Union […]