Sweet success for Schwedenbomben planned

The owners of the popular sweet manufacturers Schwedenbomben recently rescued from insolvency after it was sold to Heidi Chocolat S.A. are planning to invest heavily to allow for expansion into new markets.

The new owners say that the expansion plans mean that they are hoping to increase production by 70% and that means that even the traditional summer break for staff at the factory has been cancelled to make everything ready for the new expansion plans.

Schwedenbomben in Austria are one of the most popular sweet items and are essentially a sweet filling surrounded in a chocolate cover.

The expansion is also coupled with a €500,000 investment in production technology. At the moment it allows for 600 Schwedenbomben to be produced per minute of which 300 normal and 300 have been covered with coconut flakes according to the head of production Hermann Peck. Each individual suite takes about half an hour to create.

The new investment should see a 70% increase in this production facility. At the moment there are 50 million Schwedenbomben produced each year, but the investment will lead to an increase of another 35 million a year.

The company hopes that the expansion will be financed by sales in new markets. The domestic market is currently at around 8 million the year meaning that the Schwedenbomben factory has a large percentage.

The company are hoping to expand into Switzerland, the Czech Republic and Italy.

The only problem for the immediate future is where the new factory will be placed as the existing location in Vienna had to be sold to cover the previous company’s debts.