Nazi school test leads to change in education directors


A school test that asked students to analyse a piece of writing without revealing it was Nazi apologist text has led to a shake up in leadership within the Austrian education authorities. The mistake was leaked by a group of critical authors, including Salzburg educator Wolfgang Muehlbacher who said that the 1947 text ‘The Snail’ […]

Soldier suspended over swastika flag

General News

An Austrian soldier faces a trial for buying flags showing banned Nazi era signs and slogans while participating in an international peacekeeping mission. A spokesman for the defence ministry said today (Tues) a colleague of the militiaman informed superiors when he showed the items to him while on patrol at the Golan Heights in Syria. […]

Jail term for praising Hitler

General News

A man from Lower Austria has been sentenced to prison for glorifying the Third Reich. The 54-year-old was found guilty of breaching Austria’s anti-Nazi propaganda law. He was ordered to spend six months behind bars, with another 12 months on suspension. The verdict – issued by a court in Wiener Neustadt yesterday (Tues) – is […]

Anger as WWII ‘killer’ dies in Austria


Austria has been branded as a “paradise for Nazis” after it emerged that an alleged war criminal deceased in a care home in Carinthia. A spokesman for a Caritas retirement centre in Klagenfurt confirmed newspaper reports claiming that Milivoj Asner passed away today (Mon). He said the Croat perished aged 98 in the institution last […]

‘Nazi’ pie maker gets death threats

General News

A confectioner has received murder threats for offering cakes showing banned Nazi propaganda symbols and slogans.The Austrian Mauthausen Committee (MKÖ) – a Holocaust awareness group – informed police and prosecutors about Manfred Klaschka’s controversial business activities earlier this week. The MKÖ was tipped off by horrified customers of the confectioner. A catalogue of previously created […]

Hitler Salute soldier withdrawn from Bosnia

General News

An Austrian solider faces legal charges for giving the Nazi Salute while on an international peacekeeping mission.The 19-year-old member of the militia branch of the Austrian army is accused of racially insulting Bosnians and an Austrian solider of Turkish origin at a recent birthday party in Bosnia-Herzegovina.Austria currently participates in the United Nations’(UN) peacekeeping mission […]

Nazi labour camp attack teens sentenced

General News

Three teenagers have been given suspended jail sentences for firing plastic bullets at a group of Nazi slave labour camp survivors.The male friends, aged between 14 and 16 when the incident occurred at the former stone quarry in Ebensee in Upper Austria, in May 2009.The defendants admitted having approached the group of elderly Frenchmen and […]

UK had 20 Adolfs since WWII


At least 20 babies born in the United Kingdom after World War Two were named Adolf, new research has shown.British family tree organisation announced today (Weds) that more than 20 newborns were given the same name as Austrian-born Nazi leader Adolf Hitler.The agency said the most recent registration occurred in 2005, adding that 320 […]

Library to pay for stolen Jewish books

General News

The Austrian National Library said it would pay 135,000 euros (164,000 dollars) for thousands of books in its possession that were taken by the Nazis from Jews during World War II.In a symbolic gesture, library director Johanna Rachinger handed over the books to the Austrian National Fund for the Victims of National Socialism at a […]

Rosenkranz campaign event ends early ‘due to Socialist demo’


Freedom Party (FPÖ) presidential candidate Barbara Rosenkranz ended a campaign event in Dornbirn, Vorarlberg, early after she felt “disturbed” by demonstrating young Socialists.FPÖ MP Bernhard Themessl said the party’s stand was “barricaded” by the demonstration of the Socialistic Youth, a youth organisation of the governing Social Democrats (SPÖ).Dornbirn police however said about yesterday’s (Weds) incidents […]