Train assault under investigation

General News

A train bound for Klagenfurt, Carinthia, was hit by eight bullets at the weekend. A conductor informed the police after she noticed that six windows were broken when the EuroCity express train stopped in Salzburg on Saturday evening. The train started its journey in Karlsruhe, Germany. The shooting incident most likely occurred near Chiemsee, a […]

Nazi slave labour camp attackers face higher sentences

General News

Teens who were given suspended jail terms for firing plastic bullets at a group of Third Reich era labour camp survivors may be have their sentences upped as the state prosecution appealed the verdicts.The three male friends aged between 15 and 17 verbally abused the group of Italians and Frenchmen while goose-stepping in front of […]

Nazi labour camp attack teens sentenced

General News

Three teenagers have been given suspended jail sentences for firing plastic bullets at a group of Nazi slave labour camp survivors.The male friends, aged between 14 and 16 when the incident occurred at the former stone quarry in Ebensee in Upper Austria, in May 2009.The defendants admitted having approached the group of elderly Frenchmen and […]