Nazi slave labour camp attackers face higher sentences

General News

Teens who were given suspended jail terms for firing plastic bullets at a group of Third Reich era labour camp survivors may be have their sentences upped as the state prosecution appealed the verdicts.The three male friends aged between 15 and 17 verbally abused the group of Italians and Frenchmen while goose-stepping in front of […]

Hitler Salute soldier withdrawn from Bosnia

General News

An Austrian solider faces legal charges for giving the Nazi Salute while on an international peacekeeping mission.The 19-year-old member of the militia branch of the Austrian army is accused of racially insulting Bosnians and an Austrian solider of Turkish origin at a recent birthday party in Bosnia-Herzegovina.Austria currently participates in the United NationsÂ’(UN) peacekeeping mission […]

Soldier shoots himself in the thigh

General News

A special commission is set to investigate after a solider shot himself in the leg yesterday (Weds).Deputy Salzburg military commander Johann Hehenberger confirmed today that a 23-year-old solider was hospitalised after a gun bullet entered his thigh in the incident which occurred at the Ramsau / Molln shooting range.Hehenberger added that a commission was set […]