Renters overpaid 21 million Euro in 2011

General News

A news study has revealed that people renting apartments in old buildings in the Austrian capital paid 21 million Euro too much for their apartments in 2011. This is the result of a new study by the Austrian Chamber of Labour who analyzed Statistic Austria data. The reason is thought to be incorrect increases of […]

New cable car concept for Vienna to be presented


The Kahlenberg in Vienna could be set to get a cable car according to new reports. The Vienna Chamber of Commerce recommends the implementation of the cable car saying it would be great for tourism. The new concept is to be presented on Friday by Josef Bitzinger, Tourism Representative at the Chamber of Commerce and […]

What really helps against mosquitos


The humid weather has led to a plague of mosquitoes in Austria. Remedies are sought after – but what does actually work? The consumer protection department of the Chamber of Labour believes gels, lotions and lattice in front of the window work best. Scratching should be avoided at all costs. The best products to protect […]

Agriculture suffers from cold weather

Green Austria

Farmers and drivers are worried about winter returning to Austria. As fields are covered in snow, farmers cannot plough the fields. This will lead to problems with summer crops. A Siberian cold front is sweeping over many parts of Europe. Heavy snow is falling in Moscow, there are winter storms in the Ukraine and the […]

Rubbish dump home families win latest round

General News

There is an end in sight for the legal battle over three houses build on an old dump ground in Rietz (Tirol). A court of appeal went along with the families and the council must now pay. After a five year long, nerve-wrecking legal battle with the municipality, the end is nigh for the three […]

Sausage row settled with Slovenia


There was cause to celebrate in culinary circles this weekend after it was revealed Austria had won a battle to keep its claim to a popular brand of sausage – and its famous pumpkin seed oil. The problem started when Slovenia announced that it wanted the EU to give it rights and control of the […]

Hungary limits boat traffic on the River Danube

General News

By John Leo Moberg Hungary’s new law limiting the number of cargo barges allowed on the Danube has been in effect since the end of April to the annoyance of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce. The limit on cargo barges on the River Danube in Hungary has been in effect since the end of April […]

Pröll proposes presidential reform


Erwin Pröll has suggested not forgetting about the office of the federal president when it comes to making cuts. The provincial governor of Lower Austria – one of the most influential members of the conservative People’s Party (ÖVP) – said yesterday (Mon) Austria should consider introducing a model similar to the one used in Switzerland. […]

Farmers emphasise quality aspects as prices soar


Farmers have appealed to customers to appreciate the high quality of food produced in Austria instead of complaining about high prices. The Chamber of Agriculture pointed out today (Thurs) Austria’s food quality and safety standards were much stricter than European Union (EU) regulations in many regards. The chamber also stressed that genetically manipulated products were […]

Roche Graz staff face the axe


Hundreds of jobs in Austria are at risk as Swiss healthcare company F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. (Roche) plans to drastically reduce its costs.The internationally operating company said today (Weds) it planned to reduce its global staff figure by 4,800 or six per cent, adding that its target was to spend 1.8 billion Euros less a […]