Agriculture suffers from cold weather

Green Austria

Farmers and drivers are worried about winter returning to Austria. As fields are covered in snow, farmers cannot plough the fields. This will lead to problems with summer crops. A Siberian cold front is sweeping over many parts of Europe. Heavy snow is falling in Moscow, there are winter storms in the Ukraine and the […]

Gourmet crows to be shot

General News

Crows are gourmets who prefer organic food and are specifically targeting organic products, according to angry Austrian farmers who have won permission to start shooting the birds. Organic farmer Hannes Maier told local media that sometimes it was not possible to see the ground in his fields as the crows descended “in their thousands” to […]

Hash grower nabbed in Carinthia

General News

A dimwit Carinthian growing marijuana on a pasture close to a popular recreation area faces drug charges after being caught red-handed by police.Officials in Spittal said today (Thurs) the 20-year-old had harvested cannabis on a pasture near the Drau River meadows. Police, who confiscated several drug-producing devices, have already informed prosecutors who are set to […]