By Matthias Loinig Ever wanted to escape it all… mobile phones, internet, mass tourism and overfilled wellness hotels and go back to basics in a traditional mountain retreat? Located right in the middle of the Upper Styrian Zirbenwäldern at 1,620 metres is a wonderful family run hut which will take you back decades and promises […]
The OECD Working Group on Bribery regrets that Austria has not had a conviction of bribing foreign public officials despite a number of allegations, 13 years after ratifying the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention. However, enforcement appears to be picking up, with one case being tried, two more cases soon to be tried, and four ongoing investigations. […]
Hotel Burgenland in Eisenstadt is under new management from this year. The famous four-star hotel was formerly part of Austria Hotels Betriebs GmbH for 10 years and has now been sold. The hotel will now be run in its own rights are not as part of the chain, say the management. The director of the […]
Around 200 former pilots and flight staff from the Austrian Airlines AUA are threatening legal action in order to get their share of the company’s pension fund paid out in advance. Unless the firm agrees to settle it is looking likely that the first legal case over the demand will take place in February. According […]
Lake Lüner to get a facelift
One of Austria’s most beautiful lakes is set to lose most of its water – at least temporarily so that repair and renovation work can take place on the wall of a dam. The famous Lüner Lake (German Lünersee) is a large lake near the town of Bludenz in Vorarlberg famous for its crystal blue […]
Mud fight continues in Salzburg
A bitter row between the conservative People’s party ÖVP and the social Democrats SPÖ in the regional parliament in Salzburg is continuing to interrupts the smooth running of government. The row centres about responsibility for the investment of taxpayers money in risky financial investments and the possible loss of several hundred million euros. In advance […]
A Viennese-born woman who single handedly rewrote the constitution of Japan to give women equal rights has died aged 89, the New York Times reports. Beate Sirota Gordon was born in Vienna on Oct. 25, 1923, as the daughter of Russian Jewish parents, and died of pancreatic cancer, her daughter, Nicole Gordon, said. Beate was […]
Experts have criticised the offer of extending the Kinderbetreuungsgeld – the payment made to new parents – for two months in cases of hardship because the process is too complicated. The reasons for the extension of the child allowance can be violence in a relationship, prison or an extended period of sickness or even the […]
Regional parliamentary president Simon Illmer (ÖVP) has criticised from his point of view the sloppy work carried out investigating exactly what happened in the Salzburg region’s financial scandal. He said the fact that the search for the missing millions has not yet come up with a concrete result about what happened to the money is […]
An Australian professor of music at the University of Graz in Austria has called for the death sentence for the Pope in an article published on the University’s website. Karl-Franzens-University officials who were bombarded with complaints have now taken the article off-line and confirmed that the article represented the private opinion of Music Professor Richard […]