Austrian government’s travel habits unaffected by Polish plane crash


Social Democratic (SPÖ) Chancellor Werner Faymann has made clear he would continue to board a plane together with People’s Party (ÖVP) Vice Chancellor Josef Pröll.His announcement comes after all 97 passengers of a Polish government plane died in a crash last Saturday, including president Lech Kaczyński and high-ranking military leaders. Some newspapers and commentators condemned […]

WWII bombs found at AC/DC gig venue

General News

A team of explosives experts discovered two World War Two aerial bombs beneath a site where AC/DC are set to perform next month.Interior ministry officials said today (Tues) one of the missiles was defect while the other one did not have a detonator.Authorities announced that a beer crate from 1941 was found as well.Experts continue […]

Greens want €100mn for Catholic Church abuse victims


The Greens have called for a 100-million-Euro victims fund for people suffering abuse at Catholic institutions.The party’s juridical issues spokesman Albert Steinhauser said yesterday (Mon) 100 million Euros should be the first benchmark before discussing further action.Steinhauser accused the government coalition – formed by the Social Democrats (SPÖ) and the People’s Party (ÖVP) – of […]

Farmers in court for keeping slave

General News

A Styrian farmer and his son accused of keeping a man as his work slave for years were in court in Leoben yesterday (Mon).Prosecutors charged Peter P., 63, and his 29-year-old son Christian P. with neglect, fraud and forging of documents after officials found that Max L., 56, had to work under gruesome conditions at […]

Political scientist slams ‘invalid voting’ appeals


A top political analyst has rubbished calls to vote invalid or “white” as “undemocratic”.Political scientist Ferdinand Karlhofer said in a TV interview last night (Mon) that appeals to vote invalid at the 25 April presidential elections would not indicate democratic maturity.Several leading People’s Party (ÖVP) officials such as whip Karlheinz Kopf appealed on their supporters […]

OeNB chief welcomes EU’s Greece agreement


Austrian National Bank (OeNB) Governor Ewald Nowotny said the rescue plan agreement “defused” the situation of cash-strapped Greece.Nowotny met with Austrian President Heinz Fischer today (Tues) to inform him about recent developments on the Austrian and European financial market.The OeNB boss said afterwards, referring to the rescue plan European Union (EU) leaders had agreed about […]

Crisis still bites as lorry registration numbers plunge


The economic crisis is still affecting Austrian companies as the number of newly registered lorries dropped in the first quarter of this year.Official figures released today (Mon) show that 5.6 per cent less lorries were registered during the first three months of this year compared to the same period in 2009.The number of registered articulated […]

EN-TECH goes bust


Carinthian energy technology firm EN-TECH filed for bankruptcy at the regional court of Klagenfurt today (Mon).The Creditors’ Protection Association of 1870 (KSV 1870) announced the company – which is headquartered in St. Veit an der Glan – had debts of 1.79 million Euros. Thirteen employees and 120 creditors are affected.EN-TECH bosses said business suffered after […]

Many would-be Vienna cops fail German test

General News

The number of applications to join the Viennese police has doubled, while more than four in ten fail the German test, it has been announced.Vienna police spokeswoman Manuela Vockner said yesterday (Sun) they received around 85 applications from Austrians every week after the launch of a recruitment campaign last month. Only around 45 applications were […]

‘Vienna mafia’ allegations as off-side goal serves up victory


Sturm Graz fans accused referees of being bribed by the “Viennese mafia” as Austria Vienna beat their team thanks to an off-side goal.Third-placed Austria Vienna increased their chances to perform in the Europe League next season as Roland Linz found the net in yesterday’s (Sun) 1-0 triumph over the side of Franco Foda.But Karl Daxbacher, […]