Fekter wants Greek reform pledge


Maria Fekter has revealed that the Eurozone’s finance ministers consider asking Greece to guarantee reforms “in writing”. The Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) finance minister said yesterday (Mon) that she and the finance ministers of the other Eurozone members planned to call on the debt-stricken country’s politicians to present a written statement promising to carry out […]

Gay footballers debate intensifies after ‘ballet’ quote


A public discussion over gay people in Croatian football sparked by controversial quotes of a Rapid Vienna legend has worsened as the vice president of a top-flight club said homosexuals “are for ballet”.Zdravko Mamic, vice president of champion team Dinamo Zagreb, said today (Weds): “I wouldn’t want gay people in my team either.”His statement, made […]

Austrian government’s travel habits unaffected by Polish plane crash


Social Democratic (SPÖ) Chancellor Werner Faymann has made clear he would continue to board a plane together with People’s Party (ÖVP) Vice Chancellor Josef Pröll.His announcement comes after all 97 passengers of a Polish government plane died in a crash last Saturday, including president Lech Kaczyński and high-ranking military leaders. Some newspapers and commentators condemned […]

Bundesliga match in doubt


The Bundesliga match between Magna Wiener Neustadt and vice champions Rapid Vienna is in doubt because of the weather.Magna Wiener Neustadt vice president Ernst Neumann said today (Tues): “The pitch has been cleared of the snow three times over the past few days. But the soil is icy.”Neumann said he expected no positive change unless […]