Rebel priest deplores Church’s ‘leadership crisis’

General News

A Catholic preacher who established a group of “disobedient” priests reacted coolly to Viennese Archbishop Christoph Cardinal Schönborn’s warnings. Speaking to Italian daily La Stampa last week, Schönborn said regarding the Austrian Church’s reaction to the Preachers’ Initiative: “Now is the time to clarify the various issues. We might take disciplinary measures, but I hope […]

Preachers’ Initiative head happy about Pope’s reaction

General News

The head of the Austrian Preachers’ Initiative has reacted positively to the Pope’s criticism. Pope Benedict XVI. said in his Maunday Thursday sermon held in Italian in the Vatican that disobedience was no solution. The Pope mentioned a “group of priests from a country in Europe” without directly referring to Helmut Schüller or his movement. […]

Disobedient priests plan global movement

General News

A parish priest who encouraged clergymen to be “disobedient” towards the Vatican plans to go international. Helmut Schüller of the Preachers’ Initiative said yesterday (Sun) that “2012 will be the year of internationalisation”. Schüller – who previously headed Caritas Austria – said the Austrian Roman Catholic Church should “finally take members seriously”. Schüller criticised the […]

Church considers charging apostates

General News

A conservative politician has started a countrywide debate by suggesting that people should be ordered to pay a charge after leaving the Church. Maximilian Hiegelsberger of the People’s Party (ÖVP) said earlier this week that Austrians who decided to cancel their membership in the Roman Catholic Church could be asked to transfer a certain sum […]

Catholic rebels gather pace

General News

A group of priests opposing the Vatican’s principles finds more and more support, according to its head and a new survey. Former Caritas Austria President Helmut Schüller’s Preachers’ Initiative made headlines in June by “calling for disobedience” towards the Vatican. The group explained it rejected the Church’s refusal to let women work as priests in […]

Schönborn failed to act, abuse victim claims

General News

The highest representative of the Roman Catholic Church in Austria has been accused of keeping quiet about a case of sexual abuse. A lawyer said yesterday (Mon) he will launch legal action against Viennese Archbishop Christoph Cardinal Schönborn. The advocate’s client explained she consulted Schönborn in 1994 to tell him of sexual abuse by a […]

Young Austrians shun church, study shows


One in two young Austrians never go to church, a new poll reveals.Public opinion agency Karmasin, who questioned 500 Austrians for the study published by magazine profil – found that 50 per cent of Austrians aged 30 and younger never attend Catholic masses. The firm’s research also shows that 35 per cent of all Austrians […]

Archbishop and carollers visit mosque

General News

Carol singers in Vienna were accompanied by Viennese Archbishop Cardinal Christoph Schönborn as they visited the city’s biggest mosque yesterday (Weds).The children, who collect money for impoverished countries in the traditional singing procession between New Year’s Day and Epiphany (6 January), and the highest representative of the Roman Catholic Church in Austria, were shown round […]

Laun adamant over ‘sinful’ Love Parade

General News

A controversial Catholic bishop has claimed he was “misinterpreted” after branding the Love Parade stampede “God’s punishment” – but stressed he would still regard the event a “sin”.Salzburg Auxiliary Bishop Andreas Laun today (Mon) accused media of misinterpreting his statements made in a blog on a Catholic website last week.Laun said: “Love Parade equals sin […]

Record 2010 Church exodus expected after whopping first-quarter figures

General News

More Austrians than ever in history are expected to leave the Catholic Church this year.Official figures from today (Thurs) show that 30,004 people left the Church in the first three months of this year, up by 42 per cent compared to the same time span of 2009 when more people than ever cancelled their membership.These […]