Final result of referendum not surprising


The final result of the Vienna referendum was announced after the last postal votes were counted yesterday (Mon). It does not significantly change the preliminary result. 38.7 percent of residents entitled to vote took part in the referendum. The last postal votes were counted yesterday (Mon). Most valid votes (388,605) were counted in regards to […]

Referendum: the Olympic issue


The referendum “Wien will’s wissen” will take place from 7 to 9 March 2013. Residents from Vienna can answer four questions, including the issue whether Vienna should apply for the Olympics in 2028. Political parties have commented on the topic. Mayor Michael Häupl (SPÖ) stated that the Olympics would animate young people to do sports […]

Kurz tackles immigration at school level


Integration Secretary Sebastian Kurz, 26, was at the ministry of interior affairs this week discussing with educationalists whether schools were failing in their mission of integration. Kurz was preparing for today’s launch of Vienna’s second annual Integration week, which he described as ‘an integration offensive necessary in order to build consciousnesses.’ The youngest minister in […]

Hitler hometown deals with sinister past

General News

The birthplace of Adolf Hitler is showing more and more effort in critically reviewing its dark legacy. A majority of residents of Braunau are confronted with the town’s connection to the Third Reich leader who committed suicide shortly before the end of World War Two (WWII). A study by sociologist Judith Forstner reveals that four […]

Conservatives pleased about crucifix verdict

General News

Crosses hung up in kindergartens are no “preference in favour of certain religions”, according to the Constitutional Court (VfGH).The federal panel announced in Vienna today (Weds) that kindergartens in Austria were not discriminating against other religious communities by displaying crucifixes at their facilities.The issue had to be dealt with by the VfGH after a Lower […]

Gay partnership law leads to 700 ‘registrations’


More than 700 same sex couples decided to follow the government coalition’s offer of having their partnership “registered” last year.Federal statistic agency Statistik Austria said today (Mon) that 705 gay couples took the opportunity to gain legal status for their relationships last year when a new law passed by the Social Democrats (SPÖ) and the […]

VIA chairmen forced to leave early


The supervisory board of Vienna International Airport (VIA) has decided to remove all three co-chiefs from power.The panel agreed in a 14-hour-long meeting yesterday (Weds) to lay off Herbert Kaufmann by the end of this month. Gerhard Schmid and Ernest Gabmann will leave Flughafen Wien AG, the company managing Austria’s biggest airport, next year.The trio […]

SPÖ makes shock U-turn on conscription


Leading Social Democrats (SPÖ) have spoken out in favour of a referendum about conscription in what is regarded as a sensational U-turn on the issue.SPÖ Vienna Mayor Michael Häupl suggested yesterday (Mon) people should decide on whether young Austrians should still have to serve in the army. Around 25,000 men aged 18 or 19 receive […]