Angry Hungarian cools off after river plunge

General News

A hotheaded Hungarian got the chance to cool off after threatening to kill his girlfriend and her sister when he jumped into the river Salzach and tried to swim away in order to escape police. But with the temperature in the river just under 12 degrees the 41-year-old Hungarian was soon in difficulties and had […]

Alaba’s Bayern crush Basel


Bayern Munich star David Alaba has revealed that he tried to console Aleksandar Dragovic after last night’s (Tues) 7-0 defeat. Swiss champs FC Basel did not stand a chance against the German Bundesliga powerhouse in the second leg game of the round of the best 16 UEFA Champions League teams. Alaba, 19, was part of […]

Anger as UPC considers sackings


Employee representatives are outraged as a cable TV and internet connection provider registered 90 workers with the Labour Market Service (AMS). Vienna-based UPC confirmed yesterday (Weds) that the staff could be dismissed. The firm argued it was in the middle of a “phase of restructuring”. UPC currently employs 1,000 staff, down from 1,100 last year. […]

Tyrolean clinic gets sleep laboratory

General News

Europe’s most modern laboratory to examine sleep disorders has opened in Tyrol. Experts at Innsbruck’s University Hospital explained yesterday (Tues) they would check patients’ sleep for two nights each on the new ward which features eight beds. New technology will allow them to precisely analyse people’s sleep. One out of five Europeans suffer from sleep […]

Paraglider falls off tree

General News

A paraglider sustained fractures and internal injuries when he fell out of a tree. The Czech tourist pulled the emergency chute after experiencing difficulties with the regular glide shortly after taking off at an altitude of 2,100 metres on the Krippenstein Mountain in Upper Austria’s Gmunden district yesterday (Weds). He landed safely in the treetops […]

Acid leak injures two

General News

Two mail distribution centre workers were injured when acid leaked from a parcel.The men aged 25 and 30 had to be hospitalised after breathing in the toxic fumes at a logistics centre in Obertrum, Salzburg, yesterday (Weds). Their condition is stable, according to a statement by medical authorities from today.The substance is currently under investigation. […]

Rivals reach for power as Pröll bound to rehab


Austria’s second-strongest political party may get a new leader, according to press.Several newspapers are speculating that the board of the People’s Party (ÖVP) has started to negotiate who could follow Josef Pröll as chairman, finance minister and vice chancellor.The former environment minister was airlifted to a clinic in Innsbruck after experiencing breathing difficulties during a […]

RZB boss denies VBI takeover aim


Raiffeisenzentralbank (RZB) chief Walter Rothensteiner has ruled out being interested in the acquisition of two struggling competitors.Rothensteiner told the Kurier newspaper today (Mon) that RZB had no intentions to approach Hypo Group Alpe Adria (HGAA) and Volksbank AG (ÖVAG about a takeover or a cooperation.The banker argued there would be “no sense” in acquiring HGAA […]

Quitting booze ‘best decision ever’, says Farrell


Hollywood star Colin Farrell has claimed he had no difficulties giving up drinking.The hot-tempered Irishman told Austrian Live magazine: “To stop boozing was the best decision I ever made in my whole life. I didn’t lose any friends by it because I haven’t got any difficulties watching my mates getting drunk when going out with […]

Pervert jailed over sick calls to counselling hotline

General News

A 45-year-old man has been sentenced to a spell in prison for pestering a telephone counselling service with perverted calls.The Salzburg-based offender was tracked down after the Viennese “24-7 crisis hotline” informed police about his frequent calls.Judges in Salzburg sentenced the defendant to six months in prison yesterday (Weds).Meanwhile, officials in Lower Austria are set […]