Registration boom for Vienna Chess Open


Organisers of the Vienna Chess Open have announced there has been a real boom in the number of people applying to take part. The event takes place for the 18th time at Vienna City Hall from August 17th to August 25th. Johann Pöcksteiner, from the Vienna Chess Association said: “Players will not only find optimal […]

Carnuntum Experience: 13 days of celebrations


The Carnuntum Experience in Bruck an der Leitha is celebrating a fest – for 19 days food, wine and the region is being celebrated. The wine growing region is around 1000 hectares in size and between August 14th and September 1st there are 70 different events everything from White Wine Fashion, a party all in […]

New furniture at Viennas Museumsquartier

General News

New furniture has been put out ready for the summer at the Museums Quarter (Museumsquartier, MQ) in Vienna. The summer furniture is blue this year – as voted in an online-poll last February. For the first time, there are also parasols for the popular lounging seats. These can be rented from the Aloha Bar daily […]

Young storks hatch in Rust

Green Austria

The first young storks hatched in the town of Rust, Burgenland (Eastern Austria). This year, 19 nests have been occupied. In almost all of them, stork babies hatched and are still hatching. 14 stork couples have been incubating their eggs. Due to the cold weather, their offspring was born ten days late, said Josef Karassowitsch […]

WKO boss wants price freeze


Federal Economy Chamber (WKO) President Christoph Leitl has called on the state and Austria’s nine provinces to abstain from raising fees in 2012. Leitl told the Kurier today (Weds) cities and communities should not introduce higher prices for services such as water disposal and the provision of gas. The WKO chief argued yesterday’s metal industry […]

Tourism project causes chaos in Rome


A Viennese promotion initiative had to be abandoned earlier than planned after it sparked traffic havoc at one of Rome’s busiest public places. Impressions from the Austrian capital lured hundreds of people to Rome’s Piazza Venezia after dusk each day in the past weeks. Viennese tourism marketing agents hoped to convince Italians and people visiting […]

Park Royal Palace at the ready


A new Viennese hotel set to start business will also feature apartments, it has been revealed. Bosses of the Park Royal Palace – which will open next Tuesday (11 October) – confirmed speaking to the Kurier newspaper today (Weds) that the four-star hotel will include flats. The businesspeople explained that the apartments were located on […]

Rents to rise shortly


Hundreds of thousands of Austrians will be forced to fork out more on rent soon. Radio station Ö1 reported yesterday (Tues) prices would be increased for certain categories of contracts. According to tenants’ representatives, 300,000 households will feel the price hikes set to come into effect later this month or next month. They explained that, […]

Second-hand car sales soar


More and more Austrians are buying second-hand cars. Statistik Austria announced today (Tues) 67,814 used cars were sold last month, 1.8 per cent more than in August 2010. The share of diesel-powered vehicles inched back by 0.5 per cent to 54.4 per cent. The number of registrations of second-hand trucks improved by 1.9 per cent […]

Heatwave hits Austria

General News

The current week is expected to be the hottest of this year, meteorologists said today (Tues). Experts explained this week’s top daytime temperatures of between 30 and 38 degrees centigrade were likely to make it the hottest week of the whole year. They did not rule out that previous temperature records for August could be […]