Thunderstorms set to follow heatwave

Green Austria

Weather men are warning that the blast of hot weather seen in Austria during the past week is set to be followed by thunderstorms in nearly all areas of the country over the next couple of days. Temperatures are expected to reach a high of 37 degrees Celsius on Wednesday in some areas, before the […]

Stormy weather causes havoc in Austria

General News

Heavy storms followed a weekend of record breaking temperatures throughout Austria on Sunday evening. Large parts of the country were affected as thunder storms, heavy hail and rain swept through Austria. In Tirol large numbers of trees fell onto roads due to heavy winds, power lines were brought down leaving some households without power. Salzburg […]

2000 Guests attend Vienna summer Kanzlerfest


By Matthias Loinig Saturday evening saw the annual SPÖ ‘Kanzlerfest’ take place in the Austrian capital of Vienna. The gala took place at the Altmannsdorfer Garten Hotel in the Vienna district of Meidling. Despite it being the holiday season and record breaking temperatures of up to 40 degrees, 2,000 guests attended the gala. Werner Faymann […]

Austria is hottest place in Europe

General News

By Rob Hyde Austria is now officially the hottest place in Europe, with temperatures on Sunday above other typical hot-spots. According to the Austrian weather service (ZAMG), a top-temperature of 39.2 degrees was reached last weekend, making the Alpine republic far hotter than Ibiza (32 degrees), Rhodos (33) and Beke (34). The highest temperature of […]

Winter tyres are still obligatory

General News

Winter tyres usually have to be fitted to your cars from October until Easter. The bad weather conditions require an extension of their use. One should change the tyres, if the thermometer has displayed more than seven degrees Celsius regularly, said Rudolf Leeb, regional head of the driver’s club ÖAMTC in Burgenland (Eastern Austria). The […]

Glaciers shrinking faster than ever

Green Austria

Austria’s glaciers shrunk last year faster than ever before according to the latest report by the countries mountain sports association the Alpenverein. Measurements carried out by a team of 20 experts showed that 97 percent of the ice giants had seen a significant shrinkage – with none of the 95 glaciers growing any larger – […]

Temperatures of almost 20 degrees expected in parts of Austria


Parts of Austria are expected to reach temperatures of almost 20 degrees tomorrow (Fri). In the regions of Upper and Lower Austria, Burgenland, Styria and Carinthia there will be some fog and low cloud in the morning but this is predicted to clear, seeing sun in the afternoon. Winds will be low and with temperatures […]

Heatwave hits Austria

General News

The current week is expected to be the hottest of this year, meteorologists said today (Tues). Experts explained this week’s top daytime temperatures of between 30 and 38 degrees centigrade were likely to make it the hottest week of the whole year. They did not rule out that previous temperature records for August could be […]

Avalanche injures one in Salzburg

General News

Two people were buried by an avalanche in Salzburg this morning (Fri).Officials announced the avalanche went down at the Maurer glacier near the Kitzsteinhorn Mountain in the province’s Pongau area.The avalanche engulfed two people. Their sexes, ages and nationalities have been withheld by authorities. One of them managed get free without help from others, while […]

Demented pensioner survives night-time stroll

General News

An elderly man survived several hours at subzero temperatures after going for a walk in the middle of the night.The dementia sufferer, 92, was reported as missing by staff at a retirement home in Haslach, Upper Austria, around 1am last night (Weds/Thurs). He was found by a police sniffer dog lying on an agricultural field […]