One million Austrians have a drink problem


Around one million people in Austria consume too much alcohol. The initiative “Alkohol ohne Schatten” (Alcohol without Shadows) criticises that the extensive medical treatment is not enough rewarded. Michael Musalek, medical head of the Anton Proksch Institute and founder of the initiative said: “Alcohol is part of our society. Therfore, we have to learn how […]

350,000 Austrians are alcoholics


Five percent of all Austrians – 350,000 people above the age of 16 – are addicted to alcohol. According to a current survey of the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS), this meant direct medical costs of around 375 million Euros in 2011. Indirect costs of chronic diseases like early retirement, absence from work etc. are […]

Number of young alcoholics on the rise

General News

The number of alcohol dependent youths in Austria has doubled in the last five years, according to experts at the Wagner Jauregg Clinic in Linz. Doctors at the clinic treat more than 7,000 people a year – 1,000 of which are admitted. As well as using traditional therapies and medication to treat patients, the clinic […]

Lawsuit over teenage booze bashes

General News

A watchdog is taking Austria’s leading organisers of post-graduation holiday bashes to court for “aggressive alcohol advertisement”. Tens of thousands of young Austrians are going on holiday for one or two weeks each summer after passing their final exams – called Matura – before starting university studies or traineeships. An increasing number have spent all-inclusive […]

Driver crashes into parked cars

General News

Seven parked cars were damaged when a woman lost control over her vehicle.The 40-year-old was not injured when she slammed into the row of parked cars in Vienna-Meidling on Saturday morning, police in the city said today (Mon). They added that her car caught fire in the crash.A breath check showed that the motorist was […]

Minister makes youth protection law reform pledge


People’s Party (ÖVP) Economy Minister Reinhold Mitterlehner has said he is ready to reattempt reforming Austria’s youth protection regulations.Non-government organisations (NGOs) and opposition politicians have criticised decision-makers for years over the issue since laws strongly vary in all of the country’s nine provinces. The legal framework allows 16-year-olds to go out up to three hours […]

Fritzl cellar party claims ‘disgraceful and insane’

General News

Amstetten’s Social Democratic (SPÖ) Mayor Herbert Katzengruber has branded reports that teens are regularly going gown into the cellar dungeon built by Josef Fritzl “idiotic lies”.Referring to articles in British newspapers, Katzengruber said today (Fri): “Can our society sink to any further depths? In which world are we living? I’m deeply shocked.”The politician said the […]

One in four students may be alcoholics, doctors warn

General News

Around 25 per cent of university and college students could be alcoholics, according to a new study.Research by the Jungarbeiter-Bewegung, an youth organisation, shows that 90 per cent of college and university students drink alcohol. Doctors said today (Thurs) that detailed findings of the survey suggest that around one in four students are alcoholics.When asked […]