350,000 Austrians are alcoholics


Five percent of all Austrians – 350,000 people above the age of 16 – are addicted to alcohol. According to a current survey of the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS), this meant direct medical costs of around 375 million Euros in 2011. Indirect costs of chronic diseases like early retirement, absence from work etc. are […]

Wolford finds things less tight as earnings soar


Vorarlberg textiles producer Wolford has managed to double its earnings year on year, it has emerged.Company officials said today (Fri) earnings before interest and taxes (Ebit) soared from 2.18 million Euros in the 2008/2009 business year to 4.5 million Euros in the past business year.They added that Wolford, which is headquartered in Bregenz, had now […]

Hash farm destroyed by defunct air con fire

General News

A massive cannabis farm set up illegally at a Vienna flat was devastated by a blaze yesterday (Tues).Police in Simmering district said today the air condition system set up by the owner to ensure flourishing growth caught fire due to a technical failure.A spokesman for the local fire brigade said: “None of the residents of […]

Recession slashes power consumption

Green Austria

By William GreenPower consumption plunged this year amid an industry downturn because of the recession, the Association of Austrian Electricity Enterprises (VEÖ) said today (Tues).VEÖ said the fall reached its lowest point in April, when consumption was down by 10.3 per cent year on year.Declines of 6.1 per cent and 7.1 per cent occurred year […]