Austria celebrates May Day as a Bank Holiday


A lot of events will take place on today’s May Day: The traditionally biggest event is the manifestation of the SPÖ at town hall square in Vienna. The famous Austrian singer DJ Ötzi will motivate people to party in Vienna Prater. This year’s May Parade of the Social Democrats will be in accordance with the […]

Many people want a flat with a terrace


A survey shows that 95 percent of all people looking for a property in Austria wish to have a free space such as a balcony, a terrace or a garden in front of their next property. The real estate platform asked 750 people in an online survey in March. 64 percent of Austrians, who […]

Lego rejects Muslim claim over racist Jabba palace set

General News

Lego managers have rejected a Muslim group’s claims that they backed down and agreed to withdraw their Star wars model of Jabba the Hutt’s palace after they were flooded with complaints from Star Wars fans. Last week Turkish community leaders in the Austrian capital Vienna sent out a press release saying they had forced Lego […]

Huge tax fraud revealed


A large-scale tax fraud has been revealed in Lower Austria. The customs investigation discovered that a 55-year-old man sold adulterated diesel in East European countries. He is believed to have earned millions of Euros. The Ministry of Finance confirmed the facts to the Austrian Press Agency yesterday evening (Tues). The damage caused by avoided tax […]

Grasser sues the Republic of Austria


The launch of the hearing of Karl-Heinz Grasser, the former Minister of Finance, against the Republic of Austria has been postponed.  Mr Grasser is suing the prosecutors as they launched a press release regarding searches at his house. Mr Grasser claims that the civil charges are an infringement of his personal rights and constitute damage […]

VBI sale ‘to take place this month’


A powerful Russian bank may acquire a majority stake in Volksbank International (VBI), the ailing affiliate of Volksbank AG (ÖVAG). VBI, which manages ÖVAG’s operations in Eastern Europe (EE), had 5,362 employees in 547 branches in Romania, Slovakia and six other countries. It sustained a loss of 22.37 million Euros in 2010. Sberbank has hinted […]

Ministry official taps EU funds to back wife’s clubs


A high-ranking official is suspected of channelling large sums into leisure associations run by his wife.In a reaction to reports in the Austrian press, a spokeswoman for People’s Party (ÖVP) Economy Minister Reinhold Mitterlehner said the embezzled European Union (EU) subsidies were “significantly lower than one million Euros”.The accused official has been suspended as prosecutors […]

World Press Photo exhibit returns to Vienna


The world’s best press photographs are now on display at a Viennese gallery.The Galerie Westlicht in Vienna-Neubau is the Austrian location for the World Press Photo exhibit for a ninth year in a row. More than 18,000 people attended the last year’s World Press Photo exhibition at the gallery. Around 170 selected images are on […]

Vintner’s skull crushed in wine press

General News

A Lower Austrian winemaker died in a freak worksite accident this morning (Weds).Langenlois police said the 46-year-old was found stuck in a wine press head first by his wife who heard his screams for help.Fire-fighters managed to free the vintner using hydraulic equipment, but he died in an ambulance en route to a clinic in […]

Catholic Church ‘sect’ attack

General News

Lay Catholics have claimed the Pope is “ruining” a Church which is now a corrupt “sect”.Herbert Kohlmaier, the head of the Catholic lay initiative, today (Tues) launched a stinging attack on the Church following controversial comments by ultra-conservative Pastor Gerhard Maria Wagner over the Haiti earthquake which have caused public outrage.In an interview in Oberösterreichische […]