Widespread determination to cut expenses

General News

Almost one out of three Austrians plan to spend less next year. Insurance company Generali conducted a poll to find that 30 per cent of people residing in the small European Union (EU) and Eurozone member intended to tighten their belts in 2012. Seventeen per cent told the insurer they would cut back their holiday […]

Few Austrians own shares


The vast majority of Austrians have no interest in stocks, according to research. Pollster Imas found that 75 per cent of residents of the country had no intention to acquire shares. The survey also shows that just 13 per cent of Austrians hold participations in companies via shares and investment funds. The figure resembles results […]

Housework poll reveals conservative views


A vast majority think women must know how to run a household, a new study has shown.Research firm IMAS said today (Fri) 77 per cent of Austrian men demand from women of being capable of handling the housework. The pollster highlighted that a majority of 66 per cent of interviewed women said they agreed with […]

Nearly one in two in upbeat mood about 2011


Almost 50 per cent of Austrians are optimistic regarding the new year, according to a survey.Pollster IMAS said today (Weds) 47 per cent of interviewed Austrians said they were looking forward to 2011. This share resembles figures of the agency’s poll at the same time last year, but does not match figures published in December […]

One in three use social networks


More than a third of Austrian internet users are active in social communities like Facebook and XING, new research has shown.Linz-based agency IMAS said today (Fri) it examined several surveys conducted by various research groups in the recent past to find that 34 per cent of those surfing the internet were using social network services.Around […]

Poor interest rates mean Austrians save less


A growing number of Austrians see no sense in saving money due to less attractive interest rates, a survey has shown.Market and opinion research company IMAS said today (Mon) 41 per cent of Austrians considered saving money as “very important”, down by eight per cent year on year.IMAS also found that Austrians save an average […]

Plurality says no to holidays this year


Forty-one per cent of Austrians will not go on holiday this year, according to the results of a new poll by Linz public-opinion research firm IMAS released today (Tues).Six per cent said they had already been on holiday, seven per cent said they had already taken part of their planned holiday, and 46 per cent […]

Vienna mayor says Turkish schools ‘possible’


Social Democratic (SPÖ) Vienna Mayor Michael Häupl revealed he could imagine Turkish schools in Austria.Speaking at a joint press conference with Kadri Ecvet Tezcan, Turkey’s ambassador in Austria, Häupl said today (Fri) he thought it was “possible” that there would be Turkish schools in the Austrian capital one day.The mayor also stressed however how important […]

Strache feels ‘confirmed’ by Islam poll results


Freedom Party (FPÖ) leader Heinz-Christian Strache said results of a survey showing a vast majority of Austrians believed Muslims would “not stick to the rules” in Austria confirmed his party’s policies.Strache said yesterday (Weds): “It is important to carefully observe current and future development. The development of ‘parallel societies’ must be stopped.”The right-winger added it […]

Majority say Islam is a ‘threat’

General News

The majority of Austrians say Islam is a “threat to the western world”, a new survey says.Pollsters IMAS found that 54 per cent of Austrians agreed with the statement “Islam poses a threat for the west and our familiar lifestyle”.IMAS officials said today (Weds) only 19 per cent disagreed, while 27 per cent were undecided.The […]