Widespread determination to cut expenses

General News

Almost one out of three Austrians plan to spend less next year. Insurance company Generali conducted a poll to find that 30 per cent of people residing in the small European Union (EU) and Eurozone member intended to tighten their belts in 2012. Seventeen per cent told the insurer they would cut back their holiday […]

Generali Austria questions strong crime drop

General News

The property insurance chief of a leading insurer has expressed doubts over the recently presented figures showing a decline in crime.Federal Crime Office (BK) director Franz Lang said earlier this week that 2,617 car thefts were reports across Austria in 2010, significantly fewer than in the previous year when 5,297 such offences occurred. He also […]

Vienna tops NGV registration ranking


The number of natural gas-operated cars is on the rise, new figures have shown.Statistik Austria announced today (Mon) there were more than 5,500 natural gas vehicles (NGV) in the country. The agency said 320 NGVs were registered in the first half of this year.Viennese energy supplier Wien Energie stressed the capital made first place compared […]

Majority fear severe sickness, says poll


A majority of Austrians fear suffering from a serious disease, according to research.Insurer Generali said today (Weds) its latest poll found that 54 per cent of Austrians were afraid of catching a life-threatening illness.The same share of the 1,372 people interviewed admitted being worried about a rise in living costs and a cutback of social […]

Solid car registration figures reported


The Austrian car dealers business has been stable so far this year with a 0.8 per cent year on year rise in registrations of all sorts of vehicles being reported.Statistik Austria said today (Fri) 223,247 vehicles were registered between January and June, up by 0.8 per cent compared to the first six months of 2009. […]