Radical Islamist is at it again

General News

A young Austrian sentenced to jail for endorsing terrorism may face charges after championing radical Islam just weeks after being released from prison. Mohammed M. was ordered to spend four years behind bars in 2007 after mulling over a terror attack in Austria during the Euro2008 football tournament in an online video. He was released […]

USA set to shut neo-Nazi website


An infamous neo-Nazi homepage may go offline soon, it has emerged.Viennese newspapers report today (Weds) that Austrian prosecutors came to an agreement with authorities in the United States over shutting down the “Alpe-Donau” website.Austrian Green Party officials have pointed out for months that Austrian neo-Nazis are frequently leaving fascist and racist statements on the internet […]

Lecturer fined for calling Koran ‘evil’


An Islam-criticising lecturer has been fined for vilification of religious theories.Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff was in court yesterday (Tues) for calling Islam “hostile” and the Koran “evil” in a seminar held in a Viennese hotel in 2009.An ongoing debate about the Austrian system of subsidising party academies was fuelled when it emerged that the event – which […]

University bans veils

General News

Bosses at a Styrian university have decided to forbid wearing veils, it has emerged.Managers of the Medical University of Graz (MUG) decided today (Thurs) to prohibit wearing veils that disguise women’s faces in seminars and exams.MUG vice director Gilbert Reibnegger stressed however that students would still be allowed to wear veils in lectures. He stressed […]

FPÖ boss wants minarets referendum


Freedom Party (FPÖ) leader Heinz-Christian Strache has announced a referendum over minarets if he wins the upcoming Vienna election.The right-winger announced today (Tues) he will hold a referendum to let residents decide whether they want a law preventing the construction of minarets in the capital.He said: “I will immediately hold a referendum over the issue […]

Right-wing anger over mosques call


Freedom Party (FPÖ) officials have hit out at Anas Schakfeh, president of the Austrian Islamic Denomination (IGGiÖ), for calling for a mosque in all nine provinces.FPÖ General Secretary Harald Vilimsky today (Mon) suggested an “immigration stop” for people from “Islamic regions” in a first reaction to Schakfeh’s statements from the weekend.Schakfeh said he wanted “visible” […]

Majority say Islam is a ‘threat’

General News

The majority of Austrians say Islam is a “threat to the western world”, a new survey says.Pollsters IMAS found that 54 per cent of Austrians agreed with the statement “Islam poses a threat for the west and our familiar lifestyle”.IMAS officials said today (Weds) only 19 per cent disagreed, while 27 per cent were undecided.The […]